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Thread: First Cycle - Test & Anivar - Need Advice

  1. #1

    First Cycle - Test & Anivar - Need Advice

    Stats - 25 years old, 5'10" 185 good diet been working out for a few years.

    I am considering doing my first cycle and running Test E w/ Anivar. I am not looking to gain a lot of weight but but want to gain strength and get ripped. I was thinking of the following Cycle. Please let me know if it looks good or if i should adjust anything.

    Week 1-10 - Test E 250MG per week
    Week 6-12 - Anivar 100MG per day

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    well 100mg a day for var seems fine, but given how long test e takes to kick in id think about extending the test e to 12 weeks, and I'm not sure about 250mg/week

    250mg a week seem's a bit low to me, plus how were you planning to do it, 2x125 to keep blood levels stable or 1x250? If 1x250 perhaps test c would be better

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