Hey guys I was wondering what you would recommend to be the best stack for a 5'11 195 running back looking to put on anywhere from 10-25 of lean muscle?
Hey guys I was wondering what you would recommend to be the best stack for a 5'11 195 running back looking to put on anywhere from 10-25 of lean muscle?
body fat%?
Lean beef stacked with skinless chicken!!!!
Best stack on the board...
Let me add to this thread, If you have to ask that question you have done 0-research which means you are just looking for an easy answer which does no one any good...
Didn't call his diet garbage he asked the best stack for a bulk and IMO lean beef and chicken is it...
I have the answers he is looking for but he needs to do some research before he in barks on this journey...turning to the dark side is more then just writing a cycle as you research you learn so much more like injection pain and what causes it. proper sterilization of injects sites, side affects, gyno and so on bro...you cant just give them what they want to hear. If he wants it bad enough he has to work for it...
Test prop with maybe anavar or tbol.... Not winny
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