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Thread: Wanna lose chest and stomach fat fast!!!!

  1. #1

    Wanna lose chest and stomach fat fast!!!!

    Other than having a good diet, and doing a good amout of cardio per day, just wondering if anyone hase anyone good routines out there for post workouts, just to burn off that extra chest and stomach fat. Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    wrong section bud

    if you like post your diet in the diet section people can help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Yes, its called cardio and proper diet.
    There is no steroid that will make you lose weight.
    You need to Run Run Run. And don be sipping on no coke either like one bi-atch at my gym.

  4. #4
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    You could do cardio all day long and it still won't get rid of the fat if your diet is not in check. When I say all day long, I mean all day long. I belong to a cycling club and we typically ride few hours to a half a day and lot of guys in the group have a belly - some quite big. The reason is that they (and me too sometimes) eat donuts and brownies afterward or big meal thinking we burned off lots of calories. Yeah it suck but still diet is only way.

  5. #5
    Thats why I mentioned other than a good diet and good cardio, I know that and fully understand it needs to be on point to make the first step but I meant like what else can I do at the end of my workout i.e. push up routine, an some sort of sit up routine etc... any ideas??

  6. #6
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    Diet and cardio will be your savior. Ive read 100 posts from guys who are either under or over weight. Unders claim to have super fast metabolisms and eat "lots". Overs claim to do lots of cardio and have a "proper" diet.

    If you have your diet in check then perhaps its just genetics afterall!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    do you do any PWO cardio or AM cardio atm mate?

  8. #8
    Isn't this the same guy that was claiming to be an NCAA football player wanting to bulk up... now you want to cut?.

  9. #9
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    You can't spot treat fat.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    England The North
    treadmil, leg raises, crunches ect (not chocolate crunchies) and good low fat diet only way your going to lean out mate there aint no shortcut

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilduckizer09 View Post
    crunches ect (not chocolate crunchies)


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilduckizer09 View Post
    treadmil, leg raises, crunches ect (not chocolate crunchies) and good low fat diet only way your going to lean out mate there aint no shortcut
    leg raises and crunches will not burn fat, or target that area for lat loss

  13. #13
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    You can not target an area of you body to loose fat just there. With proper diet and cardio your body will shed fat in which ever areas your genes are made up to first.

    Listen to all these guys the only way your going to loose body fat is diet and cardio, believe me I did it naturally.

  14. #14
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    Ok, some won't agree with this but I've been working on trying to get rid of Visceral fat for long time. Yeah, diet is the key but crap, I live in real world with friends that aren't so careful with food.

    So I've probably tried everything out there to see if it will give me a jump. Do understand I'm not talking about overall weight loss with stuff like clen or ECA stack to control appetite. I'm talking about visceral fat deposit. Short of lipo suction, the only thing that sort of worked for me was 11OXO and Furza combo. Those two compounds are well documented and its effect on visceral fat (and fairly mild compounds).

    So thats my experience. To me it made a small difference but not enough to say wow. It was super expensive for such a mild change, so I probably won't do it again.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    Ok, some won't agree with this but I've been working on trying to get rid of Visceral fat for long time. Yeah, diet is the key but crap, I live in real world with friends that aren't so careful with food.

    So I've probably tried everything out there to see if it will give me a jump. Do understand I'm not talking about overall weight loss with stuff like clen or ECA stack to control appetite. I'm talking about visceral fat deposit. Short of lipo suction, the only thing that sort of worked for me was 11OXO and Furza combo. Those two compounds are well documented and its effect on visceral fat (and fairly mild compounds).

    So thats my experience. To me it made a small difference but not enough to say wow. It was super expensive for such a mild change, so I probably won't do it again.
    And the rest of us dont?? Puhlease....

  16. #16
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    ^^^ totally agree with fireguy!! We all live in the same situation as you, we all have friends who dont watch what they eat and dont care about diet or training!! just there i had to turn down going for beer with my friends because i knew todays training would be worthless then!!! you just gotta get a balance

  17. #17
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    I'll 3rd that it's a lifestyle mate.
    Today I was out in the car wiv a few pals and they wer all going to burger king and really could of demolished a xl bacon double cheeseburger suppppersized haha but instead I drove home and a fillet of salmon and sweet potatoe. All about choices

  18. #18
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    I didn't realize pharmaceutical is lifestyle. risk/reward yes but not lifestyle. Either way, we're all grown men, do what you must. I'm just sharing my experience. Next time I'll throw same opinion and I'll be safe.

  19. #19
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    ^^What the hell does pharmaceuticals have to do with having a disciplined diet? My comment was in regards to you saying your world was different because your friends arent so careful with their foods.

  20. #20
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    Because there's a tendency to spiel same thing on this forum. Sort of recognition if you will.

    Do people realize that not everyone have the same goal or even desire to live the lifestyle? as you say (not you, subsequent poster said it but its a common response).

    I'm 45 and sure diet is the key and I want to live healthly. But I'm being honest when I say, the main reason why I workout 6 days and cycle 200+ mile per week is because I love to eat. Do I want to be a bodybuilder - not even close. In fact I want to be like bruce lee (thin) but I know I could never have a body like that - I like to eat. So I workout and build muscle because thats whats easy for me, relatively. Do I care if I have a little love handle? Sure I do. Will I die from that love handle? No, like everything else, its a trade off. Do I want to live the "lifestyle" of eating bland chicken and over load my liver or balance it out with less protein and more than what people here will recommend amount of carb. Its a trade off.

    So going back to OP's original question - sure I could of just said, hey get a strict diet and you'll lose it. I even have a previous post saying so. But in the end, I could see a different point of view and say, maybe, this guys is like me. And maybe he might be interested in what I went through - even though its not the "lifestyle" or even something I would even repeat. Its a different point of view - right or wrong without being in extreme.

    The Phamacology comment wasn't directed toward you but lets be honest, we're here for a reason. Right workout, diet or not, we're all looking for something that will help with whatever we're looking for.

  21. #21
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    Ensue that post was A pointless ramble. The question was that he wants to loose belly and stomach fat so we gave him the info that deit and cardio is key! So that mean he needs to tweak his lifestyle. His eating patterns, workouts etc

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjfman View Post
    Ensue that post was A pointless ramble. The question was that he wants to loose belly and stomach fat so we gave him the info that deit and cardio is key! So that mean he needs to tweak his lifestyle. His eating patterns, workouts etc
    I've tried to share what I've tried and I'm sure quite a few people are looking up what I've tried. Go see how many are trying S4 because some people wrote that they lost fat from it.

    Oh well, of course you are correct, so here's a standard line - OP, eat right and do Cardio, its the key. You'll lose that visceral fat over time, but you already knew that.

  23. #23
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    Fair comment but I don't see why when someone wants to loose fat they look straight to the chemical aids when there diet and cardio is all out :s

    It's just like a so called "hard gainer" turining straight to steroids to put on mass, would you advise that? Nope you would advise dieeet

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjfman View Post
    Fair comment but I don't see why when someone wants to loose fat they look straight to the chemical aids when there diet and cardio is all out :s

    It's just like a so called "hard gainer" turining straight to steroids to put on mass, would you advise that? Nope you would advise dieeet
    Actually I wouldn't advise anything. Again, were grown men with different motive and reason for being here. I've shared what I've tried and what I thought of it - nothing more and nothing less. If hard gainer wants to do steroid - its his choice, not yours or mine. Sure we could tell him that its not wise but again, I like to look at things in different perspective and original reason why I came here in first place - to look for some edge in whatever I was trying to achieve because things in life are hard and frustrating. I'm in no position to advise anything - just sharing my experience. cheers!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by sensfan View Post
    Isn't this the same guy that was claiming to be an NCAA football player wanting to bulk up... now you want to cut?.
    I did bulk up a little too much lol just wanna trim like 20 to 25 lbs you must be from ottawa being a sens fan what part??

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    Because there's a tendency to spiel same thing on this forum. Sort of recognition if you will.

    Do people realize that not everyone have the same goal or even desire to live the lifestyle? as you say (not you, subsequent poster said it but its a common response).

    I'm 45 and sure diet is the key and I want to live healthly. But I'm being honest when I say, the main reason why I workout 6 days and cycle 200+ mile per week is because I love to eat. Do I want to be a bodybuilder - not even close. In fact I want to be like bruce lee (thin) but I know I could never have a body like that - I like to eat. So I workout and build muscle because thats whats easy for me, relatively. Do I care if I have a little love handle? Sure I do. Will I die from that love handle? No, like everything else, its a trade off. Do I want to live the "lifestyle" of eating bland chicken and over load my liver or balance it out with less protein and more than what people here will recommend amount of carb. Its a trade off.

    So going back to OP's original question - sure I could of just said, hey get a strict diet and you'll lose it. I even have a previous post saying so. But in the end, I could see a different point of view and say, maybe, this guys is like me. And maybe he might be interested in what I went through - even though its not the "lifestyle" or even something I would even repeat. Its a different point of view - right or wrong without being in extreme.

    The Phamacology comment wasn't directed toward you but lets be honest, we're here for a reason. Right workout, diet or not, we're all looking for something that will help with whatever we're looking for.
    I once had a professor in undergrad that said the best solution for people who could not control their appetites is to gain a lot of muscle, because that's the only real chance they have. Smokers, over eaters, and alcoholics are all weak minded. Don't get me wrong I love to eat but that shouldn't be the main reason for working out, if you are not enjoying what you do why do it? Personal responsibility comes into play eventually and you will be forced to step up to the plate. Visceral fat stores from a poor diet do a lot more than most think, they can actually secrete harmful chemicals to healthy organs causing all sorts of problems.

  27. #27
    by the way this wasnt posted in the right section I did not mean for you guys to think with the AID of steroids, I just wantefd to know workout wise if there was ne thing else other than running and a good diet I could do, I have come to a conclusion that with being a lineman I guess the chizzled chest and abs will just have to wait till football is done lol

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    I once had a professor in undergrad that said the best solution for people who could not control their appetites is to gain a lot of muscle, because that's the only real chance they have. Smokers, over eaters, and alcoholics are all weak minded. Don't get me wrong I love to eat but that shouldn't be the main reason for working out, if you are not enjoying what you do why do it? Personal responsibility comes into play eventually and you will be forced to step up to the plate. Visceral fat stores from a poor diet do a lot more than most think, they can actually secrete harmful chemicals to healthy organs causing all sorts of problems.
    Who said I didn't enjoy working out or going for a nice long ride on my bike? Have you ever climbed 4200 ft mountain on a road bike and burned 6000 calories in one day? You don't ride 10 hour days (was a bike tour) for several days if you didn't enjoy the challenge, scenery and comradely of the sport (and guess what, food and drink is big part of that comradely).
    Last edited by endus; 06-02-2010 at 07:21 AM.

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