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Thread: Before and After Surgery: Depressed

  1. #1
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    Last edited by SEAviator; 05-31-2011 at 11:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    you will bounce back before you know it, I've busted myself up many times over the years and muscle memory works. I'm down right now as well, just have to stay positive and work toward the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    boone, n.c.
    hang in there bro i was in a similar situation after a surgery in 2005. i lost 50lbs (260-210 on a good day) all i did was sit around and eat pain pills i know you are alot smarter than that so you'll do well. good luck and let us know how it goes. you got my support. been there bro; not fun.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2010
    Thanks for the support guys.. seriously....

    Feels so bad going to the gym and seeing everyone train and I cant do shit.. Feels bad that i feel my muscles cant take much more weight but I cant cause the pressure in sternum is too hard and if I do the bar might move and I have to re start the whole thing..

    On top of this im going to college on august and wanted to cause a good first impression with my physique..

    I hope I can get close to 80% back by that time..

    at least I dont have that dent anymore..

  5. #5
    Did you both have the nuss procedure if so where?

  6. #6
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    Apr 2010
    yea bro nuss procedure.... insane man.. lost 15 lbs...

    terrible experience.. Ill be so damn proud of myself when I get through this and re gain my body...

    cant you at least see the change from dent and dent free?

    If you want to know everything there is to know then go to

  7. #7
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    you just need to focus on now bro, setting up your training and diet so when you are fully recovered you will be ready to go!!! in high school i tore my mcl and never thought id have symmetric legs ever again. now i can squat over 550 and the leg i tore my mcl is actually bigger than my other leg. give it time and let us know when you start training again!

  8. #8
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    you will bounce back quickly,just dont rush anything and injure yourself! how is your diet now? i would be getting that together and eating a good meal plan now,goodluck bro, hang in there and stay positive!

  9. #9
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    my diet is pretty solid actually..

    283 carbs /237 protein /66 fat

    close to 2700 calories...

    Im a nutritional freak.. I can spend hours just planning and planning my diet... Prior to surgery I weighed and measured every single meal haha I love it..

    Not having it high in calories cause if I gain weight it will probably be fat.

    But the thing is that since I practically cant do lot, I've been giving myself some pleasures like some extra peanut butter or a a lot of pasta with sauces or stuff like that.. I havent been able to gain anything.. Every morning I weigh the same..

    One day I even binged a whole lot of pastas, all kinds, with all sauces, no weight gain and Im kinda endo lol..


    but yea Ill have my diet for when I start gaining back..
    Last edited by SEAviator; 05-31-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2010
    how fast you guys think im getting back my size?

  11. #11
    You should just be happy the surgery is over, you can get the size back, getting the surgery done is the hard part pectus surgery is painful, can i ask what doctor performed the surgery?

  12. #12
    Once you fully recover you be more motivated then ever i bet, with out having the the burden of PE on you mind!

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    don't rush recovery, focus on the groups you can still work. I tore a bicep last week and due to heart complications they haven't done surgery yet, they will do it day after tomorrow. My arms are (were) one of my best groups, but I will use the down time to make my legs one of my best groups. adapt and overcome.

  14. #14
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    Great advice Big, and good luck with your surgery bro.

    OP - in the grand scheme, this is a short time and small price to pay when you consider the years of training you have ahead of you at your age. You will bounce back in a few months, all that's important now is proper recovery. Just focus on what you will be able to do soon, and envision yourself blowing away your old physique - you will go much further this time!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpingiron8079 View Post
    Once you fully recover you be more motivated then ever i bet, with out having the the burden of PE on you mind!
    Yea bro. I mean, it sucks losing my size and all but damn, having the dent was just a nightmare.. I was the biggest and almost leanest guy in my school but didnt look aesthetically pleasing because of the dent

    Check the docs and reference from the web page I sent you..

    I got mine done by a doc in south america cause its way cheaper but way more riskier.. hahaha.. fortunately it all went well.. You still want his name?

    I heard best in the world is dr. shaar.... from germany.. insane dude..

    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    don't rush recovery, focus on the groups you can still work. I tore a bicep last week and due to heart complications they haven't done surgery yet, they will do it day after tomorrow. My arms are (were) one of my best groups, but I will use the down time to make my legs one of my best groups. adapt and overcome.
    Thanks for the support Big.. I've been going to the gym since the 1 month post op.. Yea legs is the group Im working the hardest but I still cant do much,, like squats and deadlifts are a no no..more or less every exercise works or is connected to your torso.. I mean, I feel the pressure in my sternum in most exercises.. I do them but light..

    I hope surgery goes well.. Im sure it will.. you sound like the kind of guy that overcomes anything

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Great advice Big, and good luck with your surgery bro.

    OP - in the grand scheme, this is a short time and small price to pay when you consider the years of training you have ahead of you at your age. You will bounce back in a few months, all that's important now is proper recovery. Just focus on what you will be able to do soon, and envision yourself blowing away your old physique - you will go much further this time!
    Thanks man you're right.. But got to admit that the process of waiting and all sucks..

    Im definitively sure my physique will be completely different once I get size back and being dent free..


    Do you have PE as well? That website helped me a ton..

    Let me know if you need any suggestions or anything related..

    If you want, dc name is Juan Jose Escauriza.. Pretty noobie I think, but his confidence was amazing and he did the job perfectly..

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post
    Thanks man you're right.. But got to admit that the process of waiting and all sucks..

    Im definitively sure my physique will be completely different once I get size back and being dent free..


    Do you have PE as well? That website helped me a ton..

    Let me know if you need any suggestions or anything related..

    If you want, dc name is Juan Jose Escauriza.. Pretty noobie I think, but his confidence was amazing and he did the job perfectly..
    Yea I have PE, Im a member of Pectus info also, I went to see a Doctor with a good reputation a few years back in Baltimore, but he was hesitant to do the Nuss on Adults and now a little scared of the surgery.

  18. #18
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    how old are you?

    Dude get it in germany man.. how deep is yours?

  19. #19
    dude i get what ur going through i was in a head on car collision and wasent able to hit the gym for 1 year the thing that helped me the most was remembering the good times when i was in the best shape in my life and dedicating myself back to my routine good luck bro.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post
    how old are you?

    Dude get it in germany man.. how deep is yours?
    My PE is Mild, but its still PE, for a long time i didn't know it had a name. I know of a Dr in Berlin that has a good reputation whom post on Pectus info I'm not sure if it will be covered by insurance if I go there. Can you see the Bar underneath you sternum and how long where you in the hospital for?

  21. #21
    i Got pectus excavatum too, had operation about 2 years ago, what type of surgery did you have? i mean method ?
    How do you feel after that?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    boone, n.c.
    i know you're in a hurry, but just be a little more patient.(its hard) hang in there looks like the diet is well; so thats already a big advantage over a lot of guys in the gym. you may want to use some machines and plenty of cables until your chest is healed up. working some light sets in with bb's and db's here and there. good luck

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