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Thread: Does strength gains mean muscle mass gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Does strength gains mean muscle mass gains?

    If you are gaining strength is it assumed you are building new muscle resulting in this new strength? Or can you maintain the same muscle mass but gain strength without building new muscle, but just getting what you have stronger and better conditioned?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You will gain some size with strength but how much depends on your training style. Low weight, low reps will build strength without as much size as higher reps, lower weight. As a bodybuilder I train with higher volume, upper body parts get 9-12 sets of 10-12 reps each after warm up. Although Im not a power lifter, I do know they are doing much fewer sets at lower reps with higher weights.

    What are you goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You will gain some size with strength but how much depends on your training style. Low weight, low reps will build strength without as much size as higher reps, lower weight. As a bodybuilder I train with higher volume, upper body parts get 9-12 sets of 10-12 reps each after warm up. Although Im not a power lifter, I do know they are doing much fewer sets at lower reps with higher weights.

    What are you goals?
    It was just a general question, I did not know if strength automatically means muscle gain.

    And you say that higher reps and lower weight will translate into bigger size??? I would have thought the opposite. Right now I am doing a little bit of eveything, but tend to lean to higher weight lower rep. Thing is my strength is going through the roof and what was higher weight lower rep when I started is now medium both.

    Right now I am focused on building muscle on a pro hormone cycle, that will end in 3 weeks and then I will adjust my workout somehow to try to get a little leaner but maintaining the muscle I am putting on now.

    What type of approach would you recommed for PCT while I am trying to lean out a little bit but keep the gains I have made? At that point definition will be the goal and strength size will take a back seat. I have a little bit of pec and stomach fat that refuses to come off that needs to go.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    People are sometimes confused by "lower weight, higher reps". I don't lift light, but not as heavy as a power lifter. As much weight as I can in the rep ranges I suggested. And that's primarily for size.

    You should eat the same in PCT as you did while on both PH or AAS. You built new tissue and need to feed it. You may lose some water weight while on PCT depending on what you used, and that will improve your appearance. If you want to lean up, wait until after PCT and try to lose is slow to maintain the new muscle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    People are sometimes confused by "lower weight, higher reps". I don't lift light, but not as heavy as a power lifter. As much weight as I can in the rep ranges I suggested. And that's primarily for size.

    You should eat the same in PCT as you did while on both PH or AAS. You built new tissue and need to feed it. You may lose some water weight while on PCT depending on what you used, and that will improve your appearance. If you want to lean up, wait until after PCT and try to lose is slow to maintain the new muscle.
    Thanks, I will keep that in mind.

    Might go to that rep range for PCT instead of the heavier stuff I am currently doing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Hye, sorry to hijack your thread a tiny bit here but its a related question!! alot of people have a view the higher weights and lower reps give you mass??

    I personally thought that Lower weight and rep range of 6-12 gained mass?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Hye, sorry to hijack your thread a tiny bit here but its a related question!! alot of people have a view the higher weights and lower reps give you mass??

    I personally thought that Lower weight and rep range of 6-12 gained mass?
    That's a big swing of rep range. I rarely go below 8 reps and that is only in the off season on heavy compound movements like rack deads, some heavy leg press. Generally Im 10-12 on all upper body movements but 20+ reps on legs.

    There is more then one way to lift, but the 10-12 rep range for mass works for most. There are a few guys, and I think this is the minority, that favor fewer sets with higher weights. I believe you open yourself up to a greater chance of injury lifting this way, and I've seen that very thing more then once. It's important you find what works best for you. I used to lift very heavy on legs and gained substantial strength. A few year ago I squatted 675 for 3 reps (not a lot to some, but big weight to a 45 yr old dude). I got stronger, but my knees hurt all the time and my legs were not growing larger. When I started to take all leg sets to 20+ reps my legs started to respond. I've done more then one 60 rep leg press set and that makes them burn.

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