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Thread: Deca-Durabolin and leg cramps

  1. #1

    Deca-Durabolin and leg cramps

    I started my first deca-durabolin 200mg, anidrol 200mg, and anavar 200mg cycle. I did this for MMA training. Two days after I took my first injection of deca I began to have severe cramps in my shins and calves when I would run. I cant run at all right now. I only have the cramps when I run. I found on Web MD that leg cramps are a side effect of deca. Does anyone know how to treat this problem. I stopped taking the deca. Is there a way to safely take deca without this side effect.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    your not running test?
    havnt herd of a side like this from deca

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonny17373 View Post
    I did this for MMA training.
    Off topic but I thought about doijng some MMA stuff locally, just with pads on and stuff to keep me motivated to stay in shape.

    This scares me. I'd be going up against roided out guys, not fair.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    during my deca cycle my running actually improved! i went from running a 13:32 two mile time to an 11:48 2 mile time. it was nuts! if your not running test then you need to just go add that shit in becuase there is no point of running deca alone...your D*** will not work bro, so if you want to at least bang chicks while on then use test as a base EVERYTIME. also...most important out of anything...proper pct...say again...proper pct regiment. this is the phase where you will either make or break your gains. and pct isnt just one month stuff, pct is from when u end your cycle, until the start of your next one.

  5. #5
    I was taking 200mg of oral Andriol a day for test.

  6. #6
    I've never heard of or experienced that with Deca. Did the cramps subside after you stopped using it? Perhaps you're getting dehydrated and it has nothing to do with the Deca.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I been getting cramps in my legs as well, and I too am using deca at 500/wk alongside sust at the same. I don't run, as I am bulking, but my cramps will come while lying in bed and sleeping. This morning I was awakened by a sudden and terrible cramp in the upper leg groin area. I immediately went to the kitchen and slammed a banana.

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