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Thread: DBol / Test E / Anavar Stack

  1. #1

    DBol / Test E / Anavar Stack

    I am on to my second cycle. My first was a simple var only 40 mg ed 5 week cycle. I have decided I want to begin a real cycle and would like some input from anyone more experienced.

    Height - 6'3
    Weight - 195
    BF - 11-14%
    Bench - 295...maybe 300?

    After extensive research I have put together the follow cycle

    Weeks 1 - 4
    Test E - 500 mg weekly
    Dbol - 20 mgs ED

    Weeks 5-10
    Test E - 500 mg weekly
    Anavar - 40 mg ED

    Arimidex perhaps .3mg EOD for gyno prevention and water retention, or increase to .5 given worsening sides.

    Clomid - 100/100/50/50
    Nolva - 40/40/20/20

    Any critiques or recommendations for this cycle are greatly appreciated. I want to be sure I am not doing anything completely out of wack. Only thing I am really too unsure about is how to really dose the arimidex.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    run the anavar two weeks past next to just before pct, leave a gap between anavar and dbol if need be. This will keep you from crashing in the gap before pct

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