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Thread: Help with achieving the impossible!

  1. #1

    Help with achieving the impossible!

    Hi all

    I have been reading this forum for months, I joined up today. I joined because I feel a little lost in how to achieve my goal.

    You see I have a set goal that I want to get as close to as possible. I will post a pic of what I am aiming for.

    Now the advice I have got so far is this -

    - The guy in the photo has good genetics, you will never look like that, give up now

    - You cannot look like that 24/7 its not healthy to have bodyfat that low its not possible to look like that

    - Keep reducing your bodyfat levels, maintain as much mucsle as possible, once you see your abs then slowly start to add muscle

    - You need to bulk baby, don't worry about the fat, who cares about fat! Just get BIIIIIIG!

    - Loose the fat then run a test cylce to help add muscle.

    That last suggestion is what made me look into using gear. A few of my relatives have run a few cycles and you would not believe the transformations. I have struggled for years and not made any real gains, my body does not like change, I have to force it to change. For example, if I don't train for a week, just 1 week, I start to loose muscle like you would not believe, strength also drops like a stone, so I constantly have to fight to keep any gains that I make.

    Anyway, the first pic is what I am aiming for and the fatty in the other pics is me

    Now I have a set of electronic scales that measure your bodyfat levels but from what I can tell they don't seem accurate, before I started to diet down my bodyfat was 13% and in 4 weeks I have got it down to 11.7%, but I am sure I am more than that.

    I used Animal Cuts to help wth my diet and in the next few days will be starting an ECA product, Diamond Labs ECA 30+.

    My current diet is as follows -

    Breakfast 7.30

    - 6 Scrambled Eggs (2 yolks) scrammbled in 2 tablespoons of olive oil
    - 60g of oats with some skimmed milk plus water
    - 1 a day Multi vitamin tab


    - Met RX meal replacement shake


    - can of tuna mixed with sweetcorn and peppers


    - Optimum Nutrition 100 whey




    - Optimum Nutrition 100 whey


    - 1 Chicken Breast grilled
    - Basmati rice


    - Optimum Nutrition Casein


    Now a lot of people will look at my diet and say it sucks. But my metabolism is really strange. I used to also have 2-4 slices of wholemeal toast in the morning and a serving of mixed veg with my tuna and chicken. And my bodyfat levels went through the roof. Yet some guys were telling me that I was still not eating enough! So I started to experiment with my diet, because we are all different to how we react to food. So all I did was drop the veg and bread and the fat started to drop off.

    I can't explain why this is maybe a diet guru here will have a better idea of why my body is so sensitive to only a slight increase in food intake.

    I have been told that maybe I am carb sensitive but I don't know.

    Before I forget my stats are

    Age - 37
    Lifting - for several years on and off.
    No gear ever
    Bodyfat - 12% ish
    Train 5 days a week

    Hope you guy can help.

    Thanks all
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Welcome! Right off the bat, I can tell you that you're relying on shakes way too often. I doubt you will see any appreciable gains with that diet. You need to eat real food as much as possible. Replace those shake meals with a lean protein and complex carb source. Do you know your TDEE? You need to find that number so you really have an idea of what caloric level you should be aiming for.

    Not to make you feel badly, but I think your bodyfat is well over 12%. I'd put you around 16% at least. Around 15% is when abs start to show, and yours are barely visible. I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad; it takes guts to put yourself out there and post pics, and nobody here will make fun of you, we're all here for the same thing.

    Find your TDEE, then work out a diet consisting of lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Try and keep carb and fat meals separate. Try dropping carbs completely (with the exception of fiberous veggies) in the 2nd half of the day.

    PS - you're reading advice from a guy who just binge ate all weekend and is now contemplating suicide... =\

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bro your going to need to get a sick tan too ha.

  4. #4

    Thanks for the advice, I'll work out my TDEE again. I do remember doing this a while ago, but when I stuck to the figures all I ended up doing was gaining fat. So I must have gone wrong somewhere, thats why I just went ahead and played it by ear.

    But I'll start again a post up my figures from my TDEE.

    Bjpennnn, I'll try working on my tan but I am from the UK and its not easy getting tanned in the rain

  5. #5
    are you cheerleader?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by NoPainNoGainBro View Post
    are you cheerleader?
    Ermmm you kinda lost me with that last post mate, wot do you mean?

  7. #7
    Ok I got my numbers figured out best I could. Here they are -

    TDEE = 2710

    My Current Diet Gives Me -

    2200 Cals Daily

    230g Protein

    179g Carbs

    59g Fat

    With this diet I am slowly loosing fat, muscle mass is staying the same. I know I can't gain muscle while on a calorie deficit diet but thats ok since I am trying to cut up first.

    So do you guys think that I should continue with this and stick with loosing fat first and then worry about adding/building muscle.

    I just need someone to confirm that I am doing the right thing with my diet, training for now, in order to help me achieve the look in the picture above.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    kolkata, india
    sprints really help me tone up/lose fat whilst in a bulking cycle, but then again it may not work 4 u as my body type is different

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I think your macro breakdown is pretty good. Now just follow the diet, monitor closely and adjust if/when necessary.

  10. #10
    Cheers for the advice guys, Im on an ECA cycle also at the moment, just to help shift a few extra pounds, I'll keep you all posted with photos as the weeks go by. Thanks again

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