Hi I am new to this site and want to learn as much as possible. I am planning on starting a bulking routine sometime late summer early fall. But right now I am on the process of lossing fat.
The following workout routine is working quite well right now and I am seeing good progress, but would like a critique to see if it can be improved.
Cardio is pretty basic, 3 miles run/jog/walk every day at 5:30 am before I go to work. I do abb work on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday right after cardio.
Weight Training. (every workout is 3 sets X 10 reps)
Monday and Thursday
Bench Press
DB flyes
DB shoulder press
lateral raises
BB bicep curls
lying tricep extensions
DB bicep curls
Tricep dips
Tuesday and Friday
Standing calf raises
leg extensions
wide grip pull ups
lat pulldowns
DB shrugs
Forearms curls
This has proven very successful so far. My current goal is not to build muscle per se, but is to lose fat. I have dropped about 10 lbs in the last two weeks and most of it has been fat. I am following a very strict diet and I am seeing great progress. Have only been doing this weight loss routine for about two weeks.
Age = 24
height = 5' 11"
body fat % = to high, somewhere around 20% but improving quickly
weight = ~ 185lbs and dropping fast.
Workout experience = worked out consitently during college, then irregularly, but I am once again on track after I bough my own home gym equipment.
Cycle and PCT experience = none, but have done a lot of research and continue to learn more.
I am seeing good progress with this routine. Probably because of the high amount of cardio I am doing and the restrictive diet. Only supplements right now are protein shakes and multivitamins. considering the use of "grown up supplements" for bulking later on in the year, but that is another subject for another time. First I need to lose all of this fat.
Thank you.