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Thread: Fat Boy Trying to get in shape

  1. #1

    Question Fat Boy Trying to get in shape

    Hey, I am at 270lbs and 6'2". I am wanting to just get in shape and feel better. I bought a cycle of Deca and Test. I work out every night and I do about 20 minutes of cardio each night. Will this work?? I am just trying to jump start my results so that I won't get discouraged.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoHunter View Post
    Hey, I am at 270lbs and 6'2". I am wanting to just get in shape and feel better. I bought a cycle of Deca and Test. I work out every night and I do about 20 minutes of cardio each night. Will this work?? I am just trying to jump start my results so that I won't get discouraged.
    cyclying is the LAST thing you need. With that high bodyfat you dont know how to eat, and the cycle you bought is for bulking, not cutting.

    I'd suggest leanring how to diet and workout properly. keep the steroids for when you're at a lower bodyfat, otherwise you're gonna get overwhelmed with estrogen-related side effects and you won't get the gains you wish.

  3. #3
    Thank you Exilus. I have started dieting and doing the High Protein, low Carbs diet. The weight lifting is making me sore as hell but I freaking love it. Thanks for your help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Hold off that cycle Bro.

    Increase the cardio...perhaps look at some HIIT cardio. Are you doing the cardio after weight training? For weight loss, PWO cardio is the best time, also pre-breakfast cardio.

    Maybe post your diet if you have not already, in the diet section of the forum.
    Last edited by terraj; 06-15-2010 at 04:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i agree. no cycles yet. go to the diet section n check out what works for you. early morning cardio and post workout cardio are best options. i would do low intensity for a few weeks to start fat loss then switch to HIIT to really give ur body a shock. good luck with everything

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I can hear you still considering it. Dont do it. Please read/learn more and you will honestly discover it's the wrong thing to do and you will NOT get the results you want.

    #1 Deca will ADD weigh to you and since you are already over weight most of it will be water.
    #2 since you are over weight you are at high risk of sides such as gyno (bitch tits), acne, high estrogen and other nasty sides.
    #3 being over wight greatly diminishes the positive effect of AAS so you are wasting your money. It' like running 120 octane gas in a stock car. You may get/feel a little more power but nothing compared to a high performance engine that requires it.

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