Hey guys, havent been on here for a while but ive always been given invaluable advice so first off props to all you guys youre all legends.
okay, over the past few months ive had a lot of turbulance due to relationship problems, huge family dramas, jail time court etc etc, a lot of stress. Ive been seeing a phsyc to stop my alleged 'anger issues' and have been pescribed 60mg a day of aropax (sort of like zoloft, basically an antidepressant or SSRI) and also 1600mg a day of epilim (usually treats epilepsy but also as a mood stabiliser for bipolar etc). ive put on a few unwanted kgs of fat due to increased apetite and just havent been training basically, because ive been a lazy c*nt making up excuses all the time.
i just want to know if you guys have had any issues with motivation while on anti depressants, if its chemical or just in my head. If theres any tips you guys use yourselves to drag yourself out the house and to the gym i'd be very thankfull aswell.
thanks so much in advance guys!!!