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Thread: MPB . . . Progesterone alternative to DHT!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    MPB . . . Progesterone alternative to DHT!?

    I found this in an old post . . .

    [QUOTE=Swifto;5066326]Progesterone is of little value to the bodybuilder, apart from it being the primary inhibitor of DHT.QUOTE]

    Now would I be right to speculate that . . . if progesterone helps inhibit DHT, can steroids like deca (which don't directly contribute to mpb) actually help to counteract some of the negative effects of testosterone (and its conversion to DHT) on mpb?? This may be a ridiculous statement, just testing the water, trying to learn.

    Also just found this as well . . .

    2. If you are concerned about gyno, avoid finesteride at all costs. It lowers all 5a-reduced metabolites to undesirable levels and has an extremely long half-life which continues to suppress DHT levels long after discontinuing the drug. (9) Progesterone would be a better anti-DHT alternative if you are concerned with hair loss. Plus, progesterone can clear the system within 24hrs making a mistake in dosing much less risky.

    Eric Potratz

    So how can you supplement progesterone?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    no one concerned about their hair?

  3. #3
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    Taking progesterone to lower DHT is a horrible idea. You might as well inject estrogen and turn yourself into a woman while you're at it.
    You realize that elevated progesterone can cause its own form of gyno, correct?

  4. #4
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Sounds like a bad idea to me,

    high progesterone levels will occur with high estrogen levels which may prevent your DHT caused hair loss, but you will also get alot of preventable e2 sides including gyno.

  5. #5
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    i was talking about possibly with moderate doses not high enough to induce unwanted sides like gyno (which I am aware can come from elevated estro/prog)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Taking progesterone to lower DHT is a horrible idea. You might as well inject estrogen and turn yourself into a woman while you're at it.
    You realize that elevated progesterone can cause its own form of gyno, correct?
    i believe prog gyno can only begin with the presence of excess estro, and since I will be controlling estro levels with an ai, this shouldn't be a problem, don't quite me on this though

  7. #7
    If you're concerned about hairloss then just run Test low, and Deca/NPP high.

    You can add in T-bol as well.

    There are quite a few compounds out there that won't affect your hair-line.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    If you're concerned about hairloss then just run Test low, and Deca/NPP high.

    You can add in T-bol as well.

    There are quite a few compounds out there that won't affect your hair-line.

    cheers vman, am currently running low dose test/npp but i was just trying to understand more about how prog could be used as a combat agsint dht without raising any other issues such as gyno, and if anyone has done this with success. Is the extra prog from the NPP combating some of the dht from the test in my cycle? Thus adding deca into a test based cycle will actually make it more hair friendly as opposed to the opposite . . . just some ideas i am putting out there trying to learn thats all

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by richtries View Post
    i believe prog gyno can only begin with the presence of excess estro, and since I will be controlling estro levels with an ai, this shouldn't be a problem, don't quite me on this though
    I think its more the opposite. High estrogen levels will produce high progesterone, but estrogen doesn't have to be too high for the progesterone to **** up your nipples. Granted, it probably differs a bit from one guy to the next, but I really can't see it working out for anyone. Oh, and we don't know much about this situation, since I've never heard of ANY guy taking exogenous progesterone.

  10. #10
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    Progesterone will also stimulate estrogen production, even with steroids that do not aromatize at all like Anavar. This is how test can be suppressed even without the presence of increased estrogen from an outside source.

    If you want to stimulate progesterone try Anavar, EQ, or Deca, none of which are DHT based. Or add one of those to your mass stack. I think that's a better alternative to actively increasing progesterone in your body.

  11. #11
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    bad idea.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    Progesterone will also stimulate estrogen production, even with steroids that do not aromatize at all like Anavar. This is how test can be suppressed even without the presence of increased estrogen from an outside source.

    If you want to stimulate progesterone try Anavar, EQ, or Deca, none of which are DHT based. Or add one of those to your mass stack. I think that's a better alternative to actively increasing progesterone in your body.
    Since when is Var not a DHT derivative??????????
    And Deca 5-a reduces at a very high rate once injected into the body (which is why it only converts to estrogen at a low rate).

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