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Thread: Offseason shoulder routine (fast replies plz)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia

    Offseason shoulder routine (fast replies plz)

    Hey guys i wanted to change up my shoulder routine and i had something like this in mind for adding some more mass to my shoulders. Plz critique...

    (1) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 sets
    (2) Machine Press 3 sets
    (3) Bent over Rear Delt Raise 3 sets
    (4) Standing Side Lateral or Seated 3 sets

    Do you think that would add some mass?

    or if you have a good mass workout routine for shoulders tell me because i hit the weights heavier then any1 in the gyms i train at

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    what was the old one shoulder workout?

    whats your rep range ??

    adding mass will be more likely with diet and good change in routine to shock the system

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia
    Well my old Routine was

    Barbell/Dumbell Presses 4sets
    Lateral Raise 4 sets
    Bent Over Delt Raise 4 sets
    Wide Grip upright Rows 4 sets
    Sometimes i would end it with a press.

    im not sure if im overtraining but i push to my limits...

    for my rep range its usually First set high reps to 12 then the rest are heavy which go to failure. if i can go over 3 reps i go heavier (no cheat)

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