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Thread: My workout, help appreciated please!?

  1. #1

    My workout, help appreciated please!?

    Hi everyone, this is my first thread so I hope I've done it right haha. Ive not been lifting very long, only about 3 months to be precise. I have been trying to workout what split would be best for me. I can only train monday-thursday and this is what ive come up with..

    Monday: Back/Biceps
    Tuesday: Shoulders/Calves
    Wednesday: Chest/Triceps
    Thursday: Legs/Abs/Forearms

    What do you think? Thanks..!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Looks fine for a novice routine. Be cautious of your volume and intensity of your exercises so they don't exceed your recovery capacity. Get adequate sleep and keep that diet in check. Stay hydrated, preferably 1-1.5 gallons of water per day. Remember, growth occurs in the kitchen and in bed.

    As far as 3 months in, invest in some Whey Isolate, BCAA's, Micronized Creatine Monohydrate and Multi-vitamins. This will assist in your diet regimen/recovery/growth.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Thanks alot for the tips. I've actually just ordered some whey isolate from, I dont know if its any good because I don't really know the difference from a good protien to a bad one, other than any protien is better than none! I'll have to have a look at the other supplements you mentioned though. Cheers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    On's Platinum Hydro Whey (due to their nearly 9 Grams of BCAA's, No Lactose, Cholesterol, or Sugar) or Scivation's Whey would be my top two favorites. Dymatize makes good stuff as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    my split is

    pretty close to your and has been working for me. if i was you id do less on the legs day to keep your intensity up

  6. #6
    ok cheers guys, might have a look at one the of protiens you mentioned when i next need some! well i started my new routine tonight ive just got back. Like i mentioned ive not been training very long so im not very knowledgeable as yet, this was my workout

    Deadlifts: 4 x 8
    Wide Grip Pullups: 4 x as many as i could do (which turned out to be pathetic)
    Close Grip Lat Pull Downs (using the triangle bar): 4 x 8
    Seated Rows: 4 x 8

    Incline Dumbell Curls: 4 x 8 - failure sets
    EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 4 x 8 - failure sets

    Is this too much? Not enough? Ok? My gym is full of young guys who just try to lift as much as possible with terrible form and are gettin no where. Theres not many people to ask for advice there so any help on here would be great. Thanks

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