Anybody has a fool proof system to stop losing their keys? I'm horrible. I probably spend 30 minutes everyday looking for my keys.
Anybody has a fool proof system to stop losing their keys? I'm horrible. I probably spend 30 minutes everyday looking for my keys.
omg i used to lose them all the frigen time until i took a que from my favorite TV show " Big Bang theory"... put put a stool or a little end table at the front of your door and place a big bowl on the table. Once you enter your house place keys in said bowl and ....Vwala, no more lost keys.. gotta be consistent though
Formerly 8+ times per day. I'm also awful about misplacing my cell phone and my wallet.
And then I freak out when I can't find it.
Now I've got a system for the keys... I always leave them in a bowl at the front of my house, so I put them in there as soon as I come home.
these have been around for centuries
That works at home.
My issue is I end up leaving my keys at my buddies house or wherever I go. If I have the gf with me, she drives and has her own set of keys so I never clue in til the next day and then I have to call my friends or stop by whichever store/restaurant/business I was at the previous day.
It's retarded!
I remember the Clapper people made a keychain that had an audible signal when you clapped your hands to find it....they still make such devices today....might look a little silly in public tho
fk losing keys i hate that feeling. What I do is put all my shit together every single time. That way if I f up ive basically lost my wallet cell phone house keys ring car key ring chap stick cologne eye drops halls breath mints ciggies sometimes even whatever. Its a mountain of crap its hard to miss in the room. When I start getting fancy like oh I think i'll put my cell by the computer and my wallet in the kitchen and my keys on my bed thats when things get stupid and I cant find everything.
I'm seriously considering a man bag at this point so I stop looking for my sh*t
sounds like you need a murse
look how cool this guy is.....your women troubles would be over
It all depends on the day i guess for me how much I have on my mind.
Before i leave home I always do the 3 step rule, phone keys wallet, and i do this when i get home, so i assure where my keys are, for the next day.
Why would you ever put them down at someone elses house? I have NEVER put mine down or lost them anywhere but at home. I tend to put mine in one of 3 places. Counter, bedroom dresser or in my jacket. I keep a duplicate spare set of everything including alarm remote in my safe JUST IN CASE.
Learn some restraint on putting anything down in a strange place. Thank god for OCD... LOL
Cause I have a bad habit of playing with my keys all the time. I use to have this great big set of key that I didn't lose half as much but there was so many keys so I kinda minimized it to the minimal (just house, car) on a single ring. I flip it on my finger all the time.
And believe it or not, but i lost my wallet today WTF!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking it dropped out of my pocket today on the bus, gotta call the company tomorrow. Fingers crossed it turned up.
pockets: they're not just for kittens.
I leave mine on the table...
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