Hey guys
I've been on GH about 6 months now with 5 iu's while on test cycle but the last 2 months ive only been doing 3iu's while off cycle and was planning on going back up to 5 when i get back on in about a month.
I have 150iu's (1 1/2 kits) on hand now and i had 2 more kits on the way.. well it has been an unfortunate trend that every other order of GH from china doesnt seem to have my kits of GH in them!! so obviously its frustrating but i just cant afford to keep spending money on something that isnt coming.
My Goal is size and i know everyone says 6-8iu's but thats all I have to work with. Ill take 6-8 on the last batch it just wont last long
My question is...
1. do I keeping taking the 3iu's ed which will end right around when I start my gear
2. keeping taking gh but pump it to 5 iu's ed until it runs out
3. or not take it for a month and when I get back on cycle start the remainder of my gh again at 5iu's
What do you think will be the most affective?
Hope that doesnt sound too confusing
Thank you