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Thread: t-100 ?

  1. #1

    t-100 ?

    i was wondering the difference of t-100 and test e. i was wondering if t-100 would be an ok substitute for a beginner cycle. any info would be great. im searching and trying to get this done but having no luck in the gear dept

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Never heard of t-100 but if its real it sounds like a short estered test. Do you want to pin ED or EOD? Id find some Test E or Cyp.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    T-100 is more than likely test prop. What are you stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    is it capsuls by
    Chemi-Sport Labs

    Test-100 by Chemi-Sport Labs 60 Capsules, 100mg each
    This product has been discontinued by Chemi-Sport or from Supplements 101 and is no longer available for purchase. To browse similar products that are in stock and ready to ship, use the navigation menu on the left side of your screen or click on one of the links below.

    Testosterone Boosters > Prohormones

    i didnt want to break the rules by mentioning labs , but i didn't want see the kid get hurt..sorry and thank you
    TEST-100 is a "double bond isomer" of Testosterone known as 1-Testosterone. According to the research performed by the pharmaceutical giant G.D. Searle, TEST-100 (1-Testosterone) is over 7 times as anabolic as Testosterone. It has been shown to cause some of the most amazing increases in strength and muscle growth ever experienced. More importantly, being a derivative of DHT (5-alpha reduced androgen), it cannot aromatize to estrogen. This mean NO nasty side effects normally associated with anabolic steroids. Natural Androgenic steroids are normally not very active orally. You must consume large amounts to get the positive benefits due to their oxidation of the 17-beta hydroxyl group in the liver. Chemists found out long ago tht you could add a methyl or ethyl group to the alpha position on the 17th carbon but it caused severe toxicity to the liver. Luckily, there are ways to make a steroid active orally. In this case, TEST-100 is orally active and does not import toxicity on the liver. TEST-100 is not a "prohormone" and its unique structure (1-Testosterone Ether) makes it the most powerful, safest and the most bioavailable anabolic compound to date.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 09-25-2010 at 09:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thought the only version avaible nowadays of 1-Testosterone was 1-Andro?

  6. #6
    its not oral... its enjectible.. i have found next to NOTHING on the web when i try to search it... i have to vials... id rather test e but damn i cant manage to find it.. i appreciate that post of the description of t100 , sounds like its a beast... hard to imagine this shit is legal??

  7. #7
    it might be 100mg of testosterone suspension.. you need to post a picture my friend

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Deep south
    Quote Originally Posted by jmolle3 View Post
    its not oral... its enjectible.. i have found next to NOTHING on the web when i try to search it... i have to vials... id rather test e but damn i cant manage to find it.. i appreciate that post of the description of t100 , sounds like its a beast... hard to imagine this shit is legal??
    Did you mean you have 2 vials? If so thats no where near enough for a cycle if its 100mg/ml unless there big vials.

  9. #9
    ya two 10ml vials... and its test-p ... not t-100 its was a reception mix up with a buddy ... sorry about that ...

  10. #10
    and from what i read about test p ... that could potentially last me maaybe two months right?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    more like 4 weeks. Do some more research and put it away for now

  12. #12
    it says 200-4 mg per week 3 day split or so.... 100 mg every three days one vial would last a month. two would be two months..... and for a first time real user whats wrong with that... and that was based off research

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Who's "it"? Prop is injected every other day minimum. First cycle should be 400-500mg of test per week. You have a total of 2 grams of test (100mgX10mlX2=2grams) thats enough for 4-5 weeks. You could possibly run it lower but i wouldn't

  14. #14
    well thats the kinda info i was looking for... i came across a recommended dosage and "it" said three day splits... obviously i was unsure.. well would 5 weeks not do good if i ran a 5 week cycle?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Deep south
    Prop should ideally be injected every day but you can get away with every other day but every 3 days will have your levels going up and down making the chance of side effects much higher. You would want to have another vial to make the most of it. You will see some gains from 20ml but you are just reaching the good times when you start your PCT. I suggest you holding out, doing some more research and coming back when you have it all together. Having said that, I wouldn't use prop for my first cycle unless you already are used to pinning a lot. A long ester is the best to start out because it give you a little room for error if you miss a dose.

    You also never posted your stats. You need to post them up so it makes it easier to answer these questions by knowing where you are in your age, diet, and training.

  16. #16
    ya i have posted them alot i didnt hear cause this didnt start as cycle info.. i appreciate this response . its helpful. thank you.

  17. #17
    i wish i had more but the shit is like next to non existent around me

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