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Thread: Delmonte's muscle building program... hype?

  1. #1

    Question Delmonte's muscle building program... hype?

    I keep hearing so much about vince delmonte's program from and I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried it? Everwhere I look on the internet I hear people praising this guy like some kind of god and his program as if it was gods gift to body builders and hardgainers...It's almost like a weird cult of personality, reminds me of obama mania before he got elected. I'm about to start body building and I'm thinking about giving his program a go because of all the great things I hear about it and it's supposed unmatched effectiveness.. Can anyone out there verify these claims from first hand experience or dispell them as hype ALSO from first hand experience?? Thanks

  2. #2
    You can find plently of his information on the web or bulking / cutting information on this site. It's an e-book illustrated by him. Most of it is how the media has brainwashed us into thinking we can only gain a certain amount of "weight" he uses more than actual muscle gain in "X" amount of time. Most of his book revolves (roughly 200+ pages) around eating a surplus in quality foods (bulking clean) or cutting and he is very avid about it. Stating that forget your abs, focus on one or the other first and you'll see the best gains. Plus, to lift heavy and change up your routines (obvious, plus he lists his own training guideline for those beginners/inter/adv BB's) most of which are full-body routines. He has a good amount of information, but nothing earth shattering. Plus, he gives a few interesting tools like calculating how much you should be eating etc.. If your really interested take his free trial for I believe $20 bucks and then cancel. Even, if you cancel you are still able to read his content (he says so). So, its a win-win.

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