Hi all, hoping for some advice here. Firstly, I have read your PCT section and am familiar with the protocols etc. I decided to post here as the PCT section doesnt seem to get much use?
I'm 42 yo, 203 lbs, 13-15% bf, have cycle experience, but not for 10-12 years. Back then, we had never heard of AI's or SERMS or PCTMy diet is good, all clean, currently on approx 2800 cals to reduce BF a little more before cycle. On cycle will be upping to 3500-4000 cals, 300Gs protein, low carb, low fat 1 gallon of water daily, etc etc.
Goal is to put on 20 lbs. I had gyno from puberty, cycles I ran didnt effect it overly much, some swelling but returned to "normal" after cycle. Went under the knife a couple years ago and had it removed.
I will be running 500mg Test E, 2 shots per week. Simple cycle. I have EVERYTHING in hand now, clomid, nolva, arimidex, aromasin, letro and even some clem (which I dont intend on using. If I cant control what I put in my mouth, I shouldnt be gearing up for a cycle, so no clem).
Ok, sorry for the long discourse, but heres my question. Almost everywhere I read/research regarding PCT protocols, I am finding different theories
Looking for a good PCT plan. Not going to start the cycle until I'm comfortable with one. So cycle would be as stated, Test E 500mg pw 12-14 weeks, running Adex at .25mg EOD, start Nolva 10 days after last pin at 20/20/20/10/10 and also Aromasin at 12.5 mg EOD (?) out to 60 days past last pin. And at week 5 of PCT, would look at adding clomid (?) Not running HCG anywhere (unavailable here) also will be incorporating Vit C to help with cortisol rebound.
Looking for advice/critique/input on PCt plan?