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Thread: Question about testosteron and estrogen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Question about testosteron and estrogen


    I am 21 years old, and my english is not very good, but i hope you can understand me.
    maybe i should have posted this thread under BLOODWORK, so im sorry about that.

    Anyway i been searching info about anabolic steroids for few years now, ( basic stuff, different cycles.. pct's.. and stuff like that )
    but i have have always wondered about testosterone and estrogen levels while on cycle.
    I have read many posts about how high testosterone levels went while on cycle.

    1. Anyway i would be really thankful if someone could tell me approximately some number that testosterone levels will reach while on cycle ( CYCLE: TEST E 500mg FOR... 10- 12 weeks)
    I read somewhere it could reach to 1200(forgot 1200 what.)
    And if it has anything to do whit the height then lets say 6ft-6.2ft tall.

    2. And my second question would be about estrogen. Same cycle test e 500mg. And if i am useing arimidex while on cycle from day 1 (5mgs/day) then will it block my estrogen so that estrogen levels will stay as they are or will it bring them down and if so then approximately how down to what level?

    Thank you for reading and hopefully for posting good information

    Train HARD!!

  2. #2
    as a supplement question for this, i have a product that advertises increases in testosterone levels as much as 10,000 pc/mL. is this a significant enough increase to continue the products usage?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thank you but i actually need to know about anabolic steroids, particulary Test E, but thank you for shareing that information.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You want to keep estrogen in normal ranges, not below that. Estorgen is needed for a hose of things, mainly GH and IGF synthesis.

    Regarding total testosterone and exogenous testosterone...

    In this study, 600mg/wk Test Enan for 20 weeks produced a total testosterone (TT) level of "2,370ng/dl". Blood was drawn 7 days post injection. Free testosterone (FT) was shown at "275pg/ml", as shown in table 2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by medicman67 View Post
    as a supplement question for this, i have a product that advertises increases in testosterone levels as much as 10,000 pc/mL. is this a significant enough increase to continue the products usage?
    Total f*cking garbage.

    As is almost every testosterone boosting OTC product.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    wow 2,370ng/dl is alot. but i suppose it would be lower for 500mg/wk and 10 weeks but thank you alot for your response.

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