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Thread: New routine: trying 4 day split...would it benefit to do different muscle EACH day?

  1. #1

    New routine: trying 4 day split...would it benefit to do different muscle EACH day?

    i did some research last night and threw together a new routine for myself to try, i need/want to dedicate more time to each muscle group and get bigger in all areas.
    however after doing 1 workout i decided that 1:45 workout pumping weights might be TOO much if i want to gain mass? burned 1100 calories while doing it too.....
    my split i decided is going to be:
    1: Back BIceps
    2: Chest, Triceps
    3: rest
    4: Legs
    5: Shoulders Abs....
    6: Rest
    7: Start day 1 again! OR rest if needed

    the back/bicep workout AND the Chest/Tricep workouts will be the longest so perhaps splitting those up might be smart?

    OR would a better thing to do be aim for 5 days at the gym, 3 on 1 off, 2 on, 1 off?!

    **Where would i throw shoulders and abs on a split like this OR can you recommend something else?

    any advice here?

    Back/bicep day looks like this
    Lat Pulldown
    Reverse Lat pulldown
    Low Row
    Standing lat pushdown

    Wide grip straight bar curl
    inside grip ex bar curl
    alternating grip DB curl
    Hammer Curl (same time)
    Side curl

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I have a very similar routine, and I rest on the 6th and 7th days so I have my weekends free. Seems to be working pretty well. That's a lot of curls tho (IMO). And why not throw some actual pullups in there instead of all lat pulldowns?

  3. #3
    good call, i should throw in some pullups in, i really find them a good exercise.. same as dips for triceps!

    frawnz: what is your workout routine like, when do you do shoulders/abs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    My days are nearly identical. I do abs multiple times a week though because I'm preparing for a PT test that requires maxing out on situps. I also do 30-40 min of low intensity cardio after each workout.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Everyone is different but I found doing Chest/tri's or Back/Bi's on the same day was overtraining my arms because I do so much Chest or Back days. I actually started to get better results by doing Chest/Back one day, Bi's/Tri's another. Sometimes the rest is as important. But that was just me.

    Not sure if there is any truth to it but I read once that doing Bi's/Tri's the same day got all the blood in the same area which can be important for recovery.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Bradenton Florida
    I do my 4 day split like this:

    Mon-Bi's, tri's, shoulders





    Sat and Sun-off

    I dont do a ton of sets for bi's and tri's. Maybe 8-10 working sets a piece thats how I am able to work shoulders in on the same day without being there forever. I also do about a half hour of cardio after each workout except leg day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I do mine like this:

    Mon- Chest/Back

    Tues-Bi's, Tri's, Forearms

    Wed- Off

    thurs- Legs

    Friday- Delts, traps

    Sat and Sun off. I also do my cardio 45 mins Mon to Fri first thing in the morning on empty stomach. Though sometimes I have to move Friday's cardo to Saturday because my legs are so beat from leg day the day before. My weights are in the afternoon.

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