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Thread: test e

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Question test e

    hi guys i am starting this cycle from dec 27
    my intro
    age 22
    height 5'11"(180cm)
    weight 77kg(170pounds)
    body fat 10%
    training from 6 years
    this 3rd year I am participating in competition

    cycle history
    M1T cycle 20day 1 tablet/day 30 days off repeated 3 times
    dinabol 20mg/day
    test suspension 20 shots 1ml
    equibol 5 shots 1ml
    dibol 40mg/day
    in 40 days

    next cycle:
    week 1-12 test e 500mg/week
    week 1-14 anastrazole tablets 0.25mg/day
    week 1-4 d bol 40mg/day
    week 1-14 hcg 600iu/week

    POST CYCLE THERAPY (PCT) 2 weeks after last injection
    week nolva Anastrazole
    15 20mg/day 0.25 mgs / eod
    16 20mg/day 0.25 mgs / eod
    17 20mg/day 0.25 mgs / eod
    18 10mg/day 0.25 mgs / eod
    19 10mg/day

    ( test e 250mg + hcg 300iu x 2 /week (monday morning and thursday evening) )
    liv 52 for first 6 weeks
    vit c ed
    multi vit ed

    meal 1: 9am
    protein shake(whey 33gm)
    brown bread 300gm

    meal 2: 11am
    6 eggs

    meal 3: 1pm
    1 vegitable + brown bread 300gm + rice 1 bowl+ 6 eggs or 200gm chicken

    meal 4: 6:30pm
    protein shake(whey 33gm)

    meal 5: 8:30pm
    protein shake(whey 33gm)

    meal 6: 9pm
    1 vegitable + brown bread 300gm + 6 eggs or 200gm chicken

    workout 7:30 pm to 8m 3 sets of 10 rep of each
    Monday: Chest & Triceps
    flat bench press
    inclind dumbell press
    flat flyes
    tricep push down
    laying tricep
    dips/double bar

    tuesday off

    Wednesday: Shoulders & Legs
    miltray press
    Upright Barbell Row
    Side Lateral Raise
    Rear Delt Raise
    Barbell Squat
    inclind legg press
    Calf Raises

    thursday off

    Friday: Back & Biceps
    pull up's
    Stiff-Legged Deadlift
    Lat Pulldowns
    Seated Cable Rows
    Barbell Curls
    Preacher Curls
    Dumbbell Curls

    Saturday: Cardio Interval Running (20 Minutes)

    sunday off
    please suggest changes if required
    Last edited by kau; 11-04-2010 at 01:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    out of curiosity how long have you kept that training program? hate to say it you might get nailed about being so light and having done that many cycle at 22. can you tell me your diet e.g. meal1 200gram chicken with 200 grams veggies. cause what im reading that diet looks shit. so many shakes. maybe thats the reason why you light. your replacing solid meals with liquid meals

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    meal 1: 9am
    protein shake
    normal home made food

    meal 2: 11am
    6 eggs

    meal 3: 1pm
    food + 6 eggs or 200gm chicken

    meal 4: 6:30pm
    protein shake

    meal 5: 8:30pm
    chicken breast 200gm or 6 eggs
    protein shake

    meal 6: 9pm

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    bump on being light.Besides being way to young.You need to jump on over to the diet section.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I have done three cycles already
    I know two of them were not good
    but that type of cycles people are giving here
    17 year friend of mine have done cypionate cycle 200mg e4d x 10 shots only
    we have this type of cycle
    here I am reading from 2 months on aas
    I want do in right way
    so asking your opinion guys

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    My opinion is to stop using aas, learn how to eat correctly and use your bodies natural potential to grow.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    then help with my diet
    post good plan to follow

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Post your full daily diet in the diet forum, you will recieve all the help you need....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Your stats arent very impressive for have already ran a previous cycle. I'm 195 at the same height and am still natural. I strongly suggest you forget about AAS for now and build a solid base then maybe in a year or 2 look into cycling again.

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