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Thread: hgh newbie lookin for some advice

  1. #1

    hgh newbie lookin for some advice

    hi guys i was wondering if anyone cn answer a cpl questions regarding hgh usage.i have read lots of info on these forums and would like to strt off by first thankin evryone for there answers to newbies like me to our questions espeically the more experienced guys .i have learned alot from reading ur stickys and answers to some other guys questions.i will try to keep this short but i thought might b better to bang off a cpl questions instead of posting single questions.any advice or answers would b greatly appreicated guys. ty

    1-do u think pharm grade is better better thn say generic
    2-have u heard muvh good things about Hardcoregrowth brand (cause tht wht i will b takin)
    3-i usally have my am shake n oatmeal right whn i get up but i heard to wait n hr b4 or aft takin my shot so would u recommend takin a shot n wait n hr or eat 1st thn wait n hr n thn have shot because i usally like to get in my prot asap
    4-i was gonna do 5 0n 2 off but have heard i could go ed for 1st 2 mos to try to get it wrkin a b it faster cause i have some strained ligaments in wrists n was hopin tht by goin ed it might speed things up (yes i also knw gh takes time to kik in)
    i was gonna do 2 ius for 2 or 3 wks thn slowly ramping up .5 iu each wk up to 3 ius while keepin n eye on sides n thn stay on thr for a along time ( MAYBE FOREVER)

    stats 225lbs 35 Yrs old 10-12 bf never did any gear and have really good genetics

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by freak1 View Post
    hi guys i was wondering if anyone cn answer a cpl questions regarding hgh usage.i have read lots of info on these forums and would like to strt off by first thankin evryone for there answers to newbies like me to our questions espeically the more experienced guys .i have learned alot from reading ur stickys and answers to some other guys questions.i will try to keep this short but i thought might b better to bang off a cpl questions instead of posting single questions.any advice or answers would b greatly appreicated guys. ty

    1-do u think pharm grade is better better thn say generic Yes
    2-have u heard muvh good things about Hardcoregrowth brand (cause tht wht i will b takin)Only tried one kit but I liked it
    3-i usally have my am shake n oatmeal right whn i get up but i heard to wait n hr b4 or aft takin my shot so would u recommend takin a shot n wait n hr or eat 1st thn wait n hr n thn have shot because i usally like to get in my prot asap Set your alarm clock for an hour before you get up and have your shot then and go back to bed
    4-i was gonna do 5 0n 2 off but have heard i could go ed for 1st 2 mos to try to get it wrkin a b it faster cause i have some strained ligaments in wrists n was hopin tht by goin ed it might speed things up (yes i also knw gh takes time to kik in)5 on 2 off is just to save money, if you can run it ED
    i was gonna do 2 ius for 2 or 3 wks thn slowly ramping up .5 iu each wk up to 3 ius while keepin n eye on sides n thn stay on thr for a along time ( MAYBE FOREVER)sounds good

    stats 225lbs 35 Yrs old 10-12 bf never did any gear and have really good genetics
    Answers in bold.

  3. #3
    thx buddy

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