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Thread: 2nd Day HGH Newbie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    2nd Day HGH Newbie

    got my 1st kit ever and taking it slow.
    i got the mixing down and so far everything checks out.
    when mixed it did not dissolve instantly, flaked and took about a minute or more to fully dissolve. did the pregnancy test came up negative.

    so i figure so far so good. i have read about ramping up and started with 1 IU day one, but figured may not be enough to determine any sides. went to 1.5 today and i wait.

    my question is are side right away or do they come on quick?

    So far just feeling a bit more tired than normal. Any help would be appreciated.

    Also yes i have got blood work done to establish a baseline. it is a bout a year old hope it is good enough.


  2. #2
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    Side usually happen later on in the day for me. You probably won't notice much sides from 1.5iu's though.

    How old are you? What are your goals from hgh?

  3. #3
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    Fatigue is a common side many get asap.

  4. #4
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    i am 39
    goals the usual for my age. better fat burn, and well being. some lean muscle would be a bonus but not my ultimate goal.

    any other mild sides people have expierienced. other than bloat and joint pain

  5. #5
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    Headache, Fatigue, carpel tunnel, bloat.......GREAT SLEEP!

  6. #6
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    i have never slept well and dont expect to. a cricket fart would wake me. i blame army for that. but i have read that you tend to get very vivd dreams which i had some crazy one last night. maybe just a coincidense.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    Your sleep will likely improve as you continue with gh.

    One of the main sides I notice if I ramp up too quickly is swollen hands.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    anyone get mild eye pressure? feels like im squinting a bit or more like thick eye feeling if that makes sense.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I am also a noob. Im 37 years old, and Ive never taken HGH before, only 1 cycle of sustanon 250 prior to this and that was years ago.
    I ramped up from 1iu on the first day to 3iu a day a week later and today i woke up with big meat hook hands, but i have had super crazy dreams every night since my first injection, there is no doubt its from the gh with me, i rarely dream and never this vividly.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2009
    thanks everyone. few more questions im at 2iu a day and not really any sides that i can notice. still not sleeping well (not suprise there i never have), but i could say better instead of getting up 3-4 times a night it is only twice and dreams are more than ever so i guess a plus. mild headache and some lower back discomfort (more of a tightness). my biggest concern is i just feel off not sure how else to explain it. anyone feel a bit off when first starting out.

    i think my biggest problem is i tend to over anylize everything. put that with the fear of fakes in the back of my head maybe im making more of it than i need to.
    what do you think of maybe pushing to 3iu just to see if i can get a stronger side effect or just be happy with the fact that sides affect everyone a bit differently

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    thanks everyone. few more questions im at 2iu a day and not really any sides that i can notice. still not sleeping well (not suprise there i never have), but i could say better instead of getting up 3-4 times a night it is only twice and dreams are more than ever so i guess a plus. mild headache and some lower back discomfort (more of a tightness). my biggest concern is i just feel off not sure how else to explain it. anyone feel a bit off when first starting out.

    i think my biggest problem is i tend to over anylize everything. put that with the fear of fakes in the back of my head maybe im making more of it than i need to.
    what do you think of maybe pushing to 3iu just to see if i can get a stronger side effect or just be happy with the fact that sides affect everyone a bit differently
    couple ways to find out if fake: get a pregnancy test and put a few drops on it...if your hgh is disguised as HCG then this will rule that out or not. It is HCG if the test reads pregnant. Another way is to get a baseline IGF-1 blood test and once you have this, then pin and then go in for another blood test soon after pinning and if your IGF-1 went up then it is probably legit.

    Overanalyzing is a good thing. You are putting something into your body and are not sure. Some would say this is as dumb as it gets not knowing what you have. And I tend to agree with this. But...many here have no idea as to what they are taking thus many threads and post here are specifically on that subject alone so you are not alone.

    Some people do actually do a high dose just for the heck of it to see if they feel the sides. If you had vivid dreams more than usual that is a great sign. Keep asking. That is why the forum is here.

  12. #12
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    no need for pregnancy test,

    those are the sides you should look for with legit hgh, it will happen with any hgh at does over 2iu a day, will be more prominent at 4+

    - within 60 min of hgh injection you will have carpel tunnel in hands, its slight cts because the dose is not high, the way to feel this cts is to do the spiderman movement with your wrist like you shooting web, make sure youre making a fist with your hand, hold it in position for 10 seconds and you will feel the cts going through your hands wrist and forarms, again it will be light and get stronger the higher the dose is.

    - vivid dreams/deep sleep, you will remember your dreams, you will sleep very deep, and the time of sleep youll need will be cut in half, 5 hours will be enough for you to be super refreshed

    - this is side effect EVERYONE gets with legit gh, VERY FAST NAIL GROWTH, infact if you dont cut your nails every few days youll be able to climb trees after few weeks. this is the biggest side telling you your hgh is legit

    - youll grow lean, if taken before or with AAS, on a weekly basis, and im talking about GROWING, 10-15 pds of lean muscle mass in no time at doses 4-5 units and over, if dose is very low you will still grow just slower, but you will still grow lean

    those are your main signs to know if hgh is legit and you know it within couple days, if you know what gh looks like and been around those drugs long enough, you know wether its gh the moment you see it, before even using it wether generics or american.
    Last edited by mighty1; 11-24-2010 at 09:58 AM.

  13. #13
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    those are your main signs to know if hgh is legit and you know it within couple days, if you know what gh looks like and been around those drugs long enough, you know wether its gh the moment you see it, before even using it wether generics or american.

    Mighty can you go into more detail on the look. from what i read it mixed like it should not instantly flaked and took a good minute to fully disolve. before i mixed it was kind of in a ball with some stuck to the bottom. i assumed during shipping is doesnt stay in perfect looking condition. also i could tell it was vacuum sealed when i mixed damn near pulled the plunger from my fingers.

    thanks everyone for all the great info i look forward to more.

    is it probably that because i pin 2 hours before i wake up that i sleep through some of the sides.
    Last edited by sgt2jay; 11-24-2010 at 11:26 AM.

  14. #14
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    yes, it can take between 1-3 min to completely dissolve, sometimes even a little longer, if you just leave it in the fridge without swirling it lightly it will take longer than a minute ofcourse, but it will dissolve into clear liquid at the end, during shipping it doesnt stay in perfect condition and thats usually the main difference between american and china gh when both legit, it is not a big difference if they are both legit, i had good gh with vaccums and without, ofcourse the brand names will be vacuum sealed

    the sides from hgh will last all day and sometimes alot longer, it subsides with time but always there either very slight, light, medium or heavy. it also depends on the person's own body response and dose aka how it "takes" sides, while some are very sensetive, some are much less sensetive, but the sides are there to some degree
    Last edited by mighty1; 11-24-2010 at 11:00 PM.

  15. #15
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    Always appreciate your posts mighty1! I am ~3 months in to 2 iu/day of tev-tropin with 200 mgs/week test cyp with hcg twice aweek at 500 units and have dropped about 5% body fat with no change in total body weight. I wish I could afford to up the hgh to 3 - 4 iu per day but unfortunately not currently in the budget!

    Good luck sgt2jay. Drowsiness, joint pain, sounds like your stuff is legit!
    Last edited by lifeforce0019; 11-25-2010 at 12:09 AM.

  16. #16
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    thanks everyone i bumped to about 2.5 iu and felt it in the finger mostly in my knuckles. also wrist feeling tight with some discomfort more on the top of wrist. feeling optimistic. i appreciate all the info.

  17. #17
    Your stuff sounds good. Every time I increased the dose (now at 5IU/day after 6 weeks of working up) the first few nights I will wake up from my vivid dreams with swollen and stiff hands. Doesn't bother me as much durning the day, only in my middle finger knuckles (bilaterally interestingly enough).

    Oh, another side to look for are acute headaches, which for me occur mainly while working out my core for whatever reason (maybe since the way I do it is a combination of cardio and strength). Usually after doing an exercise I would feel it really sharply in the front of my head, and it will go away within a minute or so.

    To be honest I think most GH out there is legit but under-dosed.
    Last edited by BrnstrM; 11-26-2010 at 09:19 PM.

  18. #18
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    ya i am feeling more confident that all is good to go. i havent had acute headaches just very mild the kind that is just enough to know its there. same place front of head. also bloting is there expecialy my feet of all place. i run 3 miles a day felt like runn in wet cement and i thought my feet were going to burst out of my shoes.

    thanks for all the in put i am sure ill be back for with more in the future.

  19. #19
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    my gh sides

    I had extreme sweating during cardio workouts when I first started. I too had alot of swelling and tingly hands, like numb. Nail growth and vivid dreams and I was sleeping alot...but I require more then most people.

    I am on 4 iu 5/2. I am only down 5 pounds, but limbs are more defined. I lose weight first from extremities (not that it is my choice). Still waiting for it to kick in at pin site, which is mostly stomach. I have been on for 10 weeks of a 6-9 month cycle.

    Good luck! Boards are good here....experienced members are very helpful. Check out the helpful hints and must reads.

  20. #20
    Oh yeah, after about 6 weeks your veins should be popping out of your arms and calves like you were on NO2 all day long!

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