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Thread: Is puffy nipples gyno?? Confused why I still have puffy nipples.

  1. #1

    Is puffy nipples gyno?? Confused why I still have puffy nipples.

    Hi guys after a little advice please.

    I ran a small cycle of 30 mg daily dianabol for 4 weeks and test enanthate 10ml for 10 weeks with it. Don't flame me for saying I didn't take enough enanthate because I wanted to see how my body would react to my first cycle, I went from 98kg to 103kg from it anyway.

    I stopped dianabols after 3 weeks because I started getting itchy nipples and they were a little bit sore. I started taking nolvadex tabs for a week just incase. I was fine after that and once I finished my cycle 2 weeks later I started taking the nolvadex again for pct.

    The problem is I don't have any hard lumps under my nipples but my nipples are puffy and stick out. I am starting the 4th week of nolvadex and the puffiness hasn't gone down. When I go to the gym and after training my nipples are hard looking and not puffy, same as when I go for a swim because its cold my nipples go hard. When my nipples aren't hard it looks ugly I hate it!

    Does this puffiness go away Im wondering why I still have it coming up to the 4th week of pct. People tell me not to worry as I had the smallest cycle but I like to be safe then sorry. I just ordered letro and waiting for it to arrive. Should I run it?? And how should I run it just coming off pct. I read this thread but I dont know if I have gyno or how you would take it if you just came off pct??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    Read up on letro rebound and the sides of that crap.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Whats your body fat %? could be paranoia. What mg/ml was your test?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    5kgs for 10 weeks and you prob put on at least 2 kgs of water. Doesnt sound like a very good cycle, you could of got that naturally IMO. How tall are you and age, training exp,......?

  5. #5
    I am about 5foot11. Have been training for 3.5 years. The last year I have put on about 10kg alone training naturally and just eating whatever so I know I put a bit of fat on but I would prob be around 17% body fat, I don't look fat Im very lean on my shoulders arms etc, just a bit around the waist and maybe chest???

    Im pretty happy with the results. I didn't want people to know that I hit something but I still had a lot of people asking me if I did hit something.

    Anyway here is an example of how my nipple looks when its out. Should I start the letro ASAP?? I am dieting now to lose weight but I don't want to lose all the weight and then realise I should have done something sooner.

  6. #6
    Bump. The attachment above is how it looks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    poor pic to tell imho.

    from that pic seeing your arm you looking higher in BF%

    get a better pic up so you can get better assistance

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I think you started cycling at way to high of bf

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    New York
    go to a doctor and find out for sure. Could be fat.,, Looks like gyno tho

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    It looks like gyno also, but if there is no solid core to it, it leads me to think it's just fat. OP, even if it is gyno, it's not that bad. There are much worse cases out there and nobody even will notice. But yeah, get it checked out. You're going to have to tell the doctor what you were taking though.

  11. #11
    That's whats confusing. A mate of mine has gyno from a cycle and I have felt it and it's hard like a lump. Mine is puffy nipples but when it's hard it looks normal. I dont know, I'll take some letro just in case.

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