Because there is a group of us when we train normally 5 the session usually takes 2 hours. What would be best to drink in this time, sip on a protein shake i was thinking and instead of water something like powerade?
Because there is a group of us when we train normally 5 the session usually takes 2 hours. What would be best to drink in this time, sip on a protein shake i was thinking and instead of water something like powerade?
drink your protein shake AFTER you finish your workout
btw, 2 hours ?? if i was training for 2 hours i'd ditch the "group session" and go solo, getting a spotter when needed.
water for sure, perhaps a small energy drink with some BCAA's...
I know 2 hours is kinda long, usually when there was 2 of us it took 45 min - 1 hour but i don't really want to ditch group session so was looking for ways of not going backwards with muscle growth because of the length of time.
sip on some BCAAs
2 hours is way to long, its counterproductive and your defeating the object of building muscles tissue IMHO. Split the group up if you want to grow! socialise after training not in the gym, best of luck
2 hours is way to long, its counterproductive and your defeating the object of building muscles tissue IMHO. Split the group up if you want to grow! socialise after training not in the gym, best of luck
i'm curious as to what kind of "group session" training your'e participating in ?? is at at a gym ?? surely not as i can't see too many public gyms training a group at a time. Crossfit ? even that doesn't take up 2 hours and there's a plethora of exercises to spread everyone out on.
We don't socialise, the 2 hours are intense training and it's just basic training as you would do alone for 45mins but there is just more of us. I do agree that it is to long and 45mins - 1 hour is perfect but i aint going to have a training partner if i go solo.
Sessions are def starting to mess me up now and are to long. Have to have a word with the guys i train with to speed it up or i will have to go by myself. At first it was okay, in the 2 months ive been training the 2 hour sessions iv'e grown alot more and my strength is way up but now im starting to feel it. Guess it's not to bad at the moment as i don't work so i have all day to rest but am about to start a new job so things will be different then.
I like Extend, i drink it during my long days with 2 bodyparts or cardio to prevent catabolism. It's an amino blend. You already said you are planning on making a change to eliminate those long sessions, and also keep in mind that too much time in between sets will make you lose your pump. Every set could be almost like restarting the process of nutrient and oxygen delivery, waste and toxin removal, etc.
Im just assuming that the extra time in between sets is what has increased the duration of your workouts.
When ever I use to have long training sessions I would take a protein shake mixed with creatine before and after. Also is the two hours including your cardio or just your weights?
Yes,You should drink some protein shake or eat some oatmeal if you have sufficient time.
1) Split your group up, you'll save time and muscle
2) Drink your shake after
3) Drink water and BCAA's (about 1g for every 5lbs of body weight, def not lower than 1g for every 10lbs)
4) You really don't need to drink powerade/gatorade unless you're running a marathon or doing some other type of long endurance sport.
snack on some raisins if your going to be in the gym for so long.
So much wrong in here.
First off during RT cortisol rises, you can defend against this with CHO (causes insulin spike which cause a shift from catabolism to anabolism therefore less muscle break down).
This is RT of 3 sets of 10 reps for 8 exercise (each a primary movement patteren). Notice that Cortisol Rises.
See there that the more cortisol one has in their body the less muscle mass they are expected to have. Cortisol is bad for muscle growth (in most cases).
But if you take some CHO.
We can see that it stays relatively low throughout RT and into recovery.
Second, you should be drinking CHO and protein (or essential amino acids or mixed amino acids - but know the response they elicite compaired to traditional whey (EAA 8-10g= 20g Whey, MAA 12-15 = 20g whey)).
Notice that the Combo of CHO and an amino acid promote greatest levels of protein synthesis.
And some other information to drive home the point:
Effect of individual treatments on protein synthesis (above resting values)
- hyperinsulinemia +50%
- resistance exercise +100%
- increased aa availability +150%
- resistance ex + aa avail +200%
- resist ex + aa avail + CHO +400%
- from various Rasmussen studies
Third, you should be drinking said shake pre workout to maximize results.
There is a drastic difference between levels of protein synthesis between the groups, and the most favourable outcome is pre exercise.
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