Hey guys havent been on for a while. Hopefully iv still some knowledge from my last cycle but i may need to be pointed in the right direction. Il start from the begining anyway.
My Stats
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 173cm
WEIGHT: 185.5
B/F: 12%
DIET: In Check (Bulking, can post diet if anyone wants to see it)
TRAINING: 5 days basic, back,legs,shoulders,arms and chest. works well for me that way. good form.
Two proposed cycles (Not sure what to go with)
Im going to use Sus which i know most people dont prefer but its what i have in my reach and also i had good results from it last time.
Weeks 1-12 Sus 500mg a week
Weeks 1-12 Deca 400mg a week
Weeks 1-12 Sus 750mg a week
18days after last injection for 30 days
clomid 70/35/35/35
nolva 40/20/20/20
Thanks guys let me know what u think.