hi i am looking to start my first cycle in about 6 months. ive had dbol before at 50mg e/d for about 3 weeks and gained 2 stone, but i think that was probly a stone of water on each of the big bitch nipples it gave me.
im 21 years old
11 stone
6 ft.1
low body fat (not sure exactly)
money is tite at the moment but ive got a stinka of an apatite so when i can afford it ill eat my way to 12.5 stone with some creatine in no time before i start.
Anyway this is what i was thinkin
week 1-4 40mg dbol
week 1-10 HGH @ 2 iu e/d. Test e @ 60mg e/d HCG @ 250 iu mon + thu
armidex on hand as on cycle a.i
week 10 stop everthing exept the hgh
week 13 start pct:
Week 1: 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 2: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 4: 20mg Nolva ED
ill be on a 4000 calorie clean 40/40/20 diet
any suggestions?