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Thread: Left arm undeveloped advice please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Left arm undeveloped advice please

    hey guyz. apart from my legs which i know need to be bigger, but will come in time im pretty happy with the muscle developement i have made so far.
    there is one problem i have which realy bothers me and has for quite some time. i recognised it about a year and half ago and have been tryin to correct it since then. the problem is the difference in the size of both my arms not only the size but the look of them. my right arms which is my best arm is .75 inch bigger then my left. which by reading what i said doesnt sound like a massive deal. but it aint just that it looks so much more impressive compared to the left its like my left is very poorly developed. also ther is alot of strenght difference in the two especially the triceps. my right is stronger on every bicep and tricep excercise and can perform much bettwr form with little effort compared to left. if i wer to pin point my main problem it would be that my left tricep realy needs developement and the left arm wouldnt look so bad if that were to happen. after i workout any particular muscle i know ive worked it out i feel satisfied in how it feels and the feelin of my pump. also the next day it feels sore and i know ive hit it good. but i never have this feelin with my left tricep its like my body doesnt know how to operate this muscle properely how can i master the technique. yes my coordination with my left hand is poor compared to my right. i believe before weight training i realy never used my left tricep. its realy doing my head in this problem i have and knocks my cofidence a bit. please if u can advise anything then please do so. thnks for any input any1 offers cheers steve.o

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dumbbells, one arm cable exercises, additional sets on that arm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Just wrote up a how to on evening body parts the other day.

    Check it out here.

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