Updated: 1-8-05
Greetings all!
In March of 2003 I made the original post below. Exactly 3 weeks after I landed a job. The job was (and still is) great but unfortunately was also a major setback for what I had hoped would be a big change in my workouts and physique. I didn't stop watching what I ate or my sporadic workouts but neither did I drastically change either for the better. I am just now coming to grips and settling down a bit with work so I am now finally hoping to set aside some serious time to continue onward. Almost 2 years later I have finally updated my pics and I think I see a bit of a difference (remember this is from 3 days a week of morning cardio and 2 days a week of short but intense lifting, so basically nothing that serious at all) but I may be fooling myself. I'm counting on your valuable critique for that. I know I lost a bit of fat but as to change in muscle definition or shape I'm not so sure. I'm going to be taking all the advice from the original replies (and hopefully some new ones) and try and make this year count for something more than the past two. The second and third pics (in this message post only) below are from today (the first being from 3-03). Again I appreciate all your comments, criticisms and tips. I'm going to try my best to update this post a bit more than in the past as well
Thanks guys.
Original Post: 3-6-03
Hello all,
Same old story as most newbies: Long time lurker, first time posting. First off these forums are absolutely great and the members here are an invaluable source of great info for self imporovement. OK....moving on:
I'm 25, 6'3" 175 lbs. Never really done much hardcore stuff. Based on the past reading I've done here, I'm going to try going the natural route. I have a pretty good idea about what I have to do, but I find users comments to pics help fine tune things greatly. First off I know I have to get rid of some fat, particularly around the gut area (don't know what my BF is... gotta get some calipers (suggestions)). I'm thinking 3-4 days a week of running should take care of some cardio. Not sure yet if I should first lose the weight before I start doing some serious bulking though. So let me know what you think I should do both in terms of diet and working out. Thanks guys!
Natural pose: