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Thread: Smallest effective dose help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas

    Smallest effective dose help

    I am currently 39yrs, 5'10, 190#, NO cycling expirence, great diet.

    Been lifting for a few years. Have good strength and stamina. Recently found my T is boarderline low (total 282, free 71.2, bio available 144.2).
    MD is going to start giving me injections of T for a boost. My question is how much of a dose would be needed to show a good improvement in the gym. I don't think he is going to give me 500 a week, but he did ask what I wanted to start my dose at
    What would be needed for me to see a good improvement?
    Or will I see an improvement with any increase in T that I get.

    I posted this here as my intentions are to increase my strength and size, not for just HRT.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    When you go on TRT the dosage is adjusted to get your bloodwork results to a value that your physician and you desire. This value can be up to the max values seen for someone in the prime of thier life, if you go much above this point you start getting problems as a result of the excess test levels if not for this it would be a great plan to go to 300-500 a wk. however this will cause problems.

    You will find that with your blood at peak physiologic levels you will grow pretty well as you will always be at this level. That is you will not be trying to keep gains you achieved on cycle.

    Oh IMHO if you can get him to start you on 250 you will see your bloodwork exceed the values he is looking for fairly rapidly without much problems short term.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    So 300 a week would be the lowest dose to see some goods gains? Less than that no real gains? Could one be on low dose TRT and up it for 10 weeks (cycle) every few months and get the same gains as a normal cycler?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    So 300 a week would be the lowest dose to see some goods gains? Less than that no real gains? Could one be on low dose TRT and up it for 10 weeks (cycle) every few months and get the same gains as a normal cycler?
    since your levels are low i'm betting you would make some progress off 250mg's/wk. TRT doses are around 125mg/wk - this should bring you to a normal human level. A lot of guys get prescribed 250mg/wk which is above normal.

    Does your doc plan on starting you and never comming off or does he want to have you go on and cycle off every 10-12 weeks? I ask because there are different protocols for different doctors. If you will be prescribed test and he never has you come off then i'd use a lower dosage most of the time. If you want to bump it up for 10-12 weeks to make some mass gains you certainly can. This is known as the cruise/blast method.....

    Last edited by Hazard; 02-24-2011 at 12:19 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Dallas, Texas
    The plan is to " see how it goes, and how I feel" he said. I went in today and gave me my first shot of 200, test E. Told me it might last me a month, but call if I "crash sooner". He originally tried to get me on a gel, but it costs more and I told him I swim a lot. So if he has a plan, he has not informed me yet. He said labs every 3 months until stabilized is the norm.
    Im thinking that if my low test is still yielding me good strength gains, then "normal" test levels should be better.
    If I can get to do my own pinning in the future, then I could cruise and blast.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2004
    ok so he wants to give you one shot a month......

    Is he a specific HRT doc or a urologist? My fathers urologist was prescribing him test and only one sot a month. When he went to an HRT specialist he got 250 a week LMAO.

    I'm not afan of the one shot a month protocol..... theres too much room for blood levels to fluctuate. Your levels will rise for the 1st week or two and then crash real low..... then you get another shot and back up you go. I'd rather do 50mg/wk than 200mgs in one shot for the month. Maybe you can talk to him and try to get more frequent shots.

    As far as cycling while on HRT..... i'd let him get your blod levels figured out 1st. Once he has you on a plan that works - you wont have to see him as often. Then you can bump the dosage up and come down in time for another check up lol.


  7. #7
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    Oct 2010
    I'm on TRT on Hazard is right you are gonna crash after a week or maybe 2. You need to talk him into weekly shots. Most of the guys around here are on 100 to 200 a week, I am personally on 150 and it keeps my levels in the upper ranges. And like Hazard said once you get your levels stabilized you can do a cycle... I am about to start one.

  8. #8
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    Dallas, Texas
    Thanks everyone. He is a Urologist. My plan is to do self pins twice a week, maybe 200 each (400 week) -when blasting. I just to make his plan fit mine.

    Just didnt know if I could expect to see gains while cruising, or only when blasting.
    Last edited by vtach12; 02-24-2011 at 03:06 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    Thanks everyone. He is a Urologist. My plan is to do self pins twice a week, maybe 200 each (400 week). I just to make his plan fit mine.

    Just didnt know if I could expect to see gains while cruising, or only when blasting.
    I KNEW IT!

    An HRT doc will be better suited for you honestly..... unless the only way insurance will cover it is through the urologist.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Find out a good TRT dosage and then blast from that baseline if you think you need it. I have made great gains on a TRT program of 150mgs/week of Test C, 250iu HCG 3x/week, and .5mg Adex 2x/week. In 3 months I have added about 15 pounds and have leaned out some as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Dallas, Texas
    I already feel better! I dont know why I waited so long??? 48hrs post my first injection, I feel like superman I am planning on going back in around day 6 since I know my crash is coming; and see what he thinks about uping my dose and letting me self pin. Maybe I can save for a blast soon. I know it may seem a little 'shady', but at my age I know what I want, and I know the risks. At least I can keep it legal.

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