Dropping flat bench for your chest is like dropping squats for your legs! Nothing gives me more results or insane pumps as the flat bench. All you guys are doing something terribly wrong! There's tons of variations you can do to mix things up on your bench if it's stalling. For example, I like to work myself up heavy for triples and doubles and then go lighter for a big drop set or to go lighter the whole workout but do reps to failure, do them as fast as you can like you're a machine gun, all out intensity. If things like that don't pump your chest like crazy, stay home! BgMc31 has a point, don't bench like a powerlifter if you wanna build a bodybuiler's chest!!!
Here's two examples of what I was saying, one clip is my last two sets on the bench, a heavy double followed right away by a big drop set, the pump that gave me was ****ing amazing!
The other is a day I wasn't feeling so strong so I did more reps instead of doubles and triples, again a freaking huge pump in the chest.