Hello guys,
Its been along time since i logged on here... For the newbies around here THIS IS THE BEST WEBSITE FOR STEROID ADVISE...
Let me get to my point. I have done 2 cycles so far the first one was Test E for 12 weeks with a following pct of HCG 5000 i.u nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50 the 2nd cycle was as follows:
Test E 500mg/week 1-12
Deca 400mg/week 1-10
Dbol 50mg/ED 1-4
Clenbuterol along with PCT
PCT was 16 days after last injection
HCG 1500 i.u day 1 day 4 day 7
Cloming 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
A test was done 1 month after i finished the PCT and it turned out to be great although not everything was back to normal as it needed more time.
I had a knee injury from Rugby straight after i finished my cycle which was 7 months ago and i had to stay in bed for 4 months and physiotherapy for 2 months and unfortunately i lost most of what i have gained.
I have been back to gym for about a month and couple of weeks and i'm planning a cycle to begin in 2 weeks and it is as follows
25 years old
108 kg
around 18 to 20 % bf
4 years training on and off
this will be my 3rd cycle
1st option:
Test Cypionate or Enanthate 500mg/week 1-12
Equipose 400mg/week 1-12
Dianabol 25mg/day 1-4
Winstrol and/or Stanazolol or Anavar 50mg/week 9-12
2nd option:
since i gained a lot of weight and fat i was thinking to start with this
T3 1-4 25mcg/ED 1-4
Clenbuterol 2 on 2 off
stanazolol 50mg/day 1-6
Test Prop 100mg/EOD 4-16
Trenbolone 75mgs/EOD 4-16
I'm not sure about the PCT yet..
Before and after pics