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Thread: Deadlifting????? Help

  1. #1
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    Deadlifting????? Help

    Ok so my normal week in the gym is five days as follows:

    Arm Isolation

    I have been including dead lifts with my leg day, but i've read a lot recently about dead lifting on back day... I want to maximize the results im getting from my dead lifts but need input on proper scheduling. If my back is thoroughly fatigued from Tuesday, then I dead lift on a Wednesday, am I limiting my potential with the exercise and undermining the recovery process from the day before?

  2. #2
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    IMO I would either put an off day beween the two or move legs to another day. I like legs and back to be at least 72 hours apart since i do my deads with my legs so i'm hitting back twice a week. Others will argue to deadlift on back day and do stiffleg deads on leg day. To me its more about what you're tryin to get out of the excersise, and how fast you recover. I recover pretty well with this split
    Monday Chest
    Tuesday Back
    wed off
    Thursday Shoulder/trap
    friday legs
    Saturday Arms
    Sunday off

    This is an on cycle routine though and i go back to a 4 day split and break up the arm day into the other days.

  3. #3
    i think it depends on the type of dead lift you are doing. me personal i put dead's with back day Tuesday, then i don't hit legs until Friday. i typically perform a conventional dead lift with a slight modification, (not stiff leg but not far from it). this works great for me, my max is 475 and i am currently 175lbs, so all in all it has worked well, i am looking to hit 500 this year.... but any ways that's just what i do... best of luck to you.

  4. #4
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    It is a posterior chain movement with the primary movers being hamstring and glutes. Everything else is stabilizing the load via the limbs and torso (where the back comes into play). This exercise should be on leg day. It is not as if you do barbell bench press on "shoulder" day despite that fact that a majority of pressers in the gym get more stimulus at the anterior delts than pecs.

    This is one of the major problems of splitting the body up into many parts instead of movement patterns. We start to work against our natural (and optimal) neuromuscular/biomechanical patterns.

  5. #5
    I personally split my days as follows.
    Day A- Deadlift, Barbell Shoulder press, rows, Bench, weighted chins/dips
    Day B- Overhead squat, front squat, backsquat, calves, weighted chins/dips
    Day A- rinse and repeat

    It has been working wonderfully for me and I've been able to consistently up my deadlifts. I just kind of split upperbody/lowerbody and put my deads on upperbody day since it's a lot of back/traps/shoulders, but then again deads are hamstrings/glutes pretty much every damn muscle in your body. god I love olympic lifting

  6. #6
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    i dead lift and squat twice a week. just keep a longer break between dead lift days. then you shouldnt be fatigued

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    IMO I would either put an off day beween the two or move legs to another day. I like legs and back to be at least 72 hours apart since i do my deads with my legs so i'm hitting back twice a week. Others will argue to deadlift on back day and do stiffleg deads on leg day. To me its more about what you're tryin to get out of the excersise, and how fast you recover. I recover pretty well with this split
    Monday Chest
    Tuesday Back
    wed off
    Thursday Shoulder/trap
    friday legs
    Saturday Arms
    Sunday off

    This is an on cycle routine though and i go back to a 4 day split and break up the arm day into the other days.
    Thanks for the input! I'm not cycling for a while, but i like this schedule. Time to try it out.

  8. #8
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    if you want the right advice, unless you are looking for a plifting workout, dlift heavy on your back day and only every 2wks, if you dlift every week and you will stagnate in no time and not gain on your lbs. theres so much crap in this thread i dont know where to start
    Last edited by dec11; 03-20-2011 at 09:19 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    i dead lift and squat twice a week. just keep a longer break between dead lift days. then you shouldnt be fatigued
    well either your supersonic or your lifting very lightly cos if you were goin balls out you'd be burnt out within 6wks

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    if you want the right advice, unless you are looking for a plifting workout, dlift heavy on your back day and only every 2wks, if you dlift every week and you will stagnate in no time and not gain on your lbs. theres so much crap in this thread i dont know where to start
    got it. did it today with back, and my legs are feeling like noodles. next leg day's not till wed. thanks for the advice, ill try it EOW for a while and see how it goes.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    if you want the right advice, unless you are looking for a plifting workout, dlift heavy on your back day and only every 2wks, if you dlift every week and you will stagnate in no time and not gain on your lbs. theres so much crap in this thread i dont know where to start
    No offense intended, but I could not disagree with you more. Your post is full of generalizations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fender99 View Post
    got it. did it today with back, and my legs are feeling like noodles. next leg day's not till wed. thanks for the advice, ill try it EOW for a while and see how it goes.
    This is exactly why it should be on leg day. The primary movers of the exercise are your hamstrings and glutes. The exercise should be focused on shooting your hips forward, not extending your back.

    Drive legs into ground, pressure through heels until bar is at knees and then squeeze your glutes to shoot the hips forward. At no point should you be concerned with extending your back. Your only concern with your back is maintaining neutral spine, primarily in the lumbar region.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pebble View Post
    No offense intended, but I could not disagree with you more. Your post is full of generalizations.
    edit, no flaming.....ask him how many plifting titles hes held and ppl hes coached

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pebble View Post
    This is exactly why it should be on leg day. The primary movers of the exercise are your hamstrings and glutes. The exercise should be focused on shooting your hips forward, not extending your back.

    Drive legs into ground, pressure through heels until bar is at knees and then squeeze your glutes to shoot the hips forward. At no point should you be concerned with extending your back. Your only concern with your back is maintaining neutral spine, primarily in the lumbar region.
    straight out of Mens Health magazine lol, edit, no flaming. have you actually ever deadlifted you tool?

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    As if any of that has anything to do with the debate. At what point did you decide to give up establishing your stance and move on to personal attacks? I understand why you are grasping at straws. I would as well if I had no sound rationale to defend my stance. In either case lets here why deadlifts are a "back" exercise. Is it because the QL. multif, and ES get used to stabilize the spine? Or is it because the rhom, traps, and lats stabalize the scap? Or maybe you want to go a little deeper with the anatomy and talk about the rotatores, interspinales, and intertransversarii role of stabilization and anti-rotation?

    But you may want to consider your method of distraction. I doubt the people of this forum are blind enough to fall for it. How about instead we talk it out and you can educate me and the rest of the forum on your stance. Don’t hold back on any jargon.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pebble View Post
    As if any of that has anything to do with the debate. At what point did you decide to give up establishing your stance and move on to personal attacks? I understand why you are grasping at straws. I would as well if I had no sound rationale to defend my stance. In either case lets here why deadlifts are a "back" exercise. Is it because the QL. multif, and ES get used to stabilize the spine? Or is it because the rhom, traps, and lats stabalize the scap? Or maybe you want to go a little deeper with the anatomy and talk about the rotatores, interspinales, and intertransversarii role of stabilization and anti-rotation?

    But you may want to consider your method of distraction. I doubt the people of this forum are blind enough to fall for it. How about instead we talk it out and you can educate me and the rest of the forum on your stance. Don’t hold back on any jargon.
    pebble, your a tool, you like to come onto threads and throw around your anatomy dictionary in the hope you're given credibility. you are now trying to say that the back isnt involved in this 2 phase lift? and you are disagreeing with every competitive plifter i know, who in off season train dlifts on back day so as they can have an optimal fresh leg day later in the week to squat ? you're an annoying little twerp, dont contradict experienced lifters who know better, where are your plifting accolades? i know ive a trophy cabinet full of them. you contradicted me on another thread about delt exercises, another experienced competitive athlete agrees with me on that thread, you questioning his knowledge also?

    OP, if you want continued proper advice, feel free to pm me where this argumentative know it all clown cant jump in with his skeleton model and dictionary and of course, the latest edd of mens health.

    we've had gob pieces like you on here before pebble and plenty more will follow. we'll se how long you last
    have a nice life idiot.
    Last edited by dec11; 03-21-2011 at 10:27 AM.

  17. #17
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    LOL at this thread

    Lets mix thing up a bit...

    Im currently changing to training as follows

    Mon - Quads and Traps

    Tue - Chest and Tri

    Thu - Back and Hamstrings ( Deadlifting here)

    Fri - Delts and biceps

    Now no one can disagree that that routine solves all problems that have been raised in this thread with regards to deads on leg day or back day....

  18. #18
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    I know how frustrating it can be but we cant flame members, we are having complaints.

    Please remember the rules

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    I can see that you're frustrated and don’t have rational to combat the information I have presented. As an attempt to mask this you once again return to personal attacks in an attempt to seem like an alpha male. Your attempts to rattle me will be dismissed just like the inaccurate information you share in this subsection of the form.

    I will last long enough to make members of this forum start to question your knowledge on this particular topic.

    I will once again ask that you simply explain your stance to me and everyone of this form. Here is your opportunity to display your brilliance, and my obtuseness to the forum. Discredit me publicly for all to take notice of. It shouldn't be hard to do with all of that education and experience.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I know how frustrating it can be but we cant flame members, we are having complaints.

    Please remember the rules
    dec11 - just to be clear, I have not complained and will not. I do not think your actions warrant a complaint; simply a reply to my question instead of a personal attack.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by pebble View Post
    dec11 - just to be clear, I have not complained and will not. I do not think your actions warrant a complaint; simply a reply to my question instead of a personal attack.
    im not going to start spouting a load of technical jargon that the ordinary man on the street wont understand, most fitness professionals simplify things for ppl with real life experience, its pointless to waffle. stay out of my posts and i'll stay out of yours.
    it isnt the first time you've come on and critised sound advice ive given.

    now, goodbye
    Last edited by dec11; 03-21-2011 at 01:19 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I know how frustrating it can be but we cant flame members, we are having complaints.

    Please remember the rules
    apologies, was just trying to help someone out and got pissed at this other idiot

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    apologies, was just trying to help someone out and got pissed at this other idiot
    Please try to express yourself without using insulting words, I know how frustrating it can be but get your view across and knowledge without using these words, just debate. I know you have alot to give AR just try your best in future.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Please try to express yourself without using insulting words, I know how frustrating it can be but get your view across and knowledge without using words these words, just debate. I know you have alot to give AR just try your best in future.
    yep, fair enough mate, bad mood 2day lol

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