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Thread: Debating Bulking Cycle Options

  1. #1

    Debating Bulking Cycle Options

    I just finished my first ever cycle cutting with anavar and know i cant do another cycle until about august at the very earliest but i want to get all of my research and information done now. through research ive decided upon two possible bulking cycles i could do but not too sure which one will be best.

    Option 1: 12 week cycle
    Test prop- 500mg a week
    Deca 200- 200 mg a week

    Option 2: 12 week cycle
    Deca 200- 600mg a week
    D-bol- 40 mg(first 3 weeks) 30 mg(next 3 weeks) 0 after that

    what do you guys think?
    Last edited by gymrat1990; 03-17-2011 at 09:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    do more research man that 1.4grams of deca a week, in the first cycle and no test in the 2nd. That does not fly. Read up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    I am a big fan of test prop because of its quickness and effectiveness Id say go cycle 1, however deca is a long acting ester and test prop doesnt have the legs to cut it cuz 12 weeks of prop is long. You have to do a 12-15 week cycle also. go with a longer ester on the testosterone such as eth/cyp to use with the deca. 200mg of deca is a lil on the low side however, maybe up to 500mg test 500 mg deca per week. If u use test e you can do 2 shots a week 3.5 days apart(day/night) of 250mg test e and 250 mg deca. If you go with test cyp you can do 1 shot weekly of the test cyp and deca.
    Another option is to front load the test p for the first 3 weeks then stop it and continue with what you've chosen.

    other than that, you must make sure you are ready to use steroids and such.

  4. #4
    haha wow that was bad. sorry totally messed up the charts. Edit original post

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    acadiana, la
    Does the "1990" in your name stand for the year you were born? If so you are too young to cycle and need to research about the damage you can do to your body, not researching cycles.

  6. #6
    yes im only 20 years old and i know the risks from cycling and i have been fine with my first one and want to know what i need for my second.

  7. #7
    I sure hope you dodged the limp penis bullet. You don't just take steroids at 20 years old and instantly **** yourself up... it can take awhile to discover the damage you did. This is a forum dedicated to giving good advice for safely building muscle. Because of your age, whether you 'accept the risks' or not, people who know better than you just how severe they are will not be willing to help you destroy your endocrine system. If you are serious about your health and building a better body, stick around and learn about diet and technique. Reconsider steroids in 4 or 5 years.

    All the best.

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