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Thread: I'm not ready yet but here are my stats and when will I be ready?

  1. #1

    I'm not ready yet but here are my stats and when will I be ready?

    I am 28 years old (in a month)
    6' 1"
    185 lbs
    13% body fat

    I have been training hard for 2 years now. I used to weigh 189 lbs and was probably 20% body fat. I hit the cardio super hard for a year and got down to 169lbs to lose the fat. Now for the past year I have been training to put the muscle on and have got up to my current weight of 185lbs.

    I am interested in running a cycle but I know i have not reached my potential naturally yet. However I have no clue what my natural potential is. I know that family genetics plays a roll and all the males tend to be very skinny and weak in my family. At my current size I am definitely in the better shape than my dad ever was.

    Anyone have any suggestions on setting a goal to reach naturally before I jump into cycles? I know I could lean out a little more but its been tough since I am trying to bulk up at the same time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    200lbs or around. You will wish you waited, trust me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    ^^^^^ solid advice right there ^^^^^^

  4. #4
    Glad to see someone who used their brain. It was very smart to wait and ask for the advice.
    I think any were from the above mentioned 200 to 220. The reason I say more is our natural builds are close and I was able to get to 270 naturally. And no it wasn’t all fat. It could have been much cleaner, but I didn’t really know how to diet. I just knew how to eat and eat and eat!!. My condition was similar to my avatar, maybe 5 pounds smaller at most. I did this from the age of 24 or so to about 28. Roughly 3 and a half or 4 years. I am 6’2 & at 21 years old weighed about 180. When I started seriously lifting at 24 I did already weigh 200, but there was a lot of room to still grow. And yes a big part is genetics, but my mother is only about 5’4 and 115 pounds. So the mold can be broke to a degree.
    If you put in your nat time, you will not regret it. I have never messed with pro hormones and until this year have never touched gear. I did take a break from lifting seriously for about 5 years. I am now 35 and feel like I have a very solid base in which to build off of. Although I certainly need to drop some fat, I am just now in the middle of my first true cycle and weight about 280-282. (depending on last crap. LOL) I did take a short cut when I re started with a few short burst cycles. This helped me get back to where I was before quickly, but it wasn’t without risks. I also was able to learn PCT methods and how my body handles gear.
    Point is. Put your time in naturally and build a good foundation. If you do that, before you ever cycle one time, you will already be ahead of some who may have cycled a half a dozen times already.
    Good Luck

    At 28 you could put in the next 2 years of training smart and eating right. I guarantee you will be farther than you ever expected.

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