I was asking about muscle stimulaters to start rebuilding my leg.

I was in a car accident in august with a deer and a telephone pole. The pole won. My car died. My heel was shattered and broke a few other bones.

I am now in an aircast walking boot. Im supposed to be going through the motion of heel to toe with no weight baring at this point.

So the stimulaters arent really going to build muscle and such and would be a waste of money for the most part, if I understood what people were saying.

What kinds of exercises can I do to build up my leg without putting weight on my foot?

I just had my second surgery in the beginning of Feb and had my foot fused. Ive been off this leg for 8 months now.

There is nothing left to it. My calf is about 2 - 3 inches smaller than my other leg.

Im starting my gym membership back up on the first of April and need suggestions... exercises.
