OK guys...
Precycle...my free test was 987
did a 10 week cycle of sustanon and tren from july to november...
didnt do proper PCT and experienced a bit of a shutdown...........
test was measured at 372 in jan...
took clomid and nolva and last month, 50 clomid..40 nolva daily , my bw came back at 797 last wk
i have a libido and can get an erection with a cialis or levitra but prior to a that last cycle, i would get horney daily and would need to rub one out if my girl wasnt around
for some reason....my drive isnt like that anymore and when i attempt to mastubate...my dick doesnt get fully hard
im 33...199.....did a few cycles in my late 20s...usually just summer stacks
is my isssue test related...im 797 ...not the 987 i was prioer and if so, would taking addditional clomid help me out in getting my test back to its normal level of last year at this time...987