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Thread: Hgh 30ml vial

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Hgh 30ml vial

    I recently purchased some hgh genotropin somatropin from a friend who said he got it from his doc which came from a hospital I'n a 30ml vial at 5iu/ml. Seems legit as I'm feeling prolactin Gyno but has any1 heard of this it already came mixed aswel, so it's 150iu per 30ml vial.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    no it does not come in a pre-mixed 30ml vial

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ok, well I just swapped over from these generic Chinese brand blue tops and yes they were 100% legit but dot ask me what brand as it was I'n Chinese. Now I'm using a different brand of hgh but shouldn't it be the same as I left off if they are legit as I'n if your takeing hgh it's all the same.

  4. #4
    There used to be AQ HGH which were premixed vials of HGH. Gensci first made them and claimed that they were more pure then powders. They claimed that there were zero or near zero HGH antibodies in the AQ HGH. A few months ago all production of AQ HGH just stopped. It was better quality then the powder bluetops. It came premixed 30iu/vial. You had to use an injection pen to dose it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    There used to be AQ HGH which were premixed vials of HGH. Gensci first made them and claimed that they were more pure then powders. They claimed that there were zero or near zero HGH antibodies in the AQ HGH. A few months ago all production of AQ HGH just stopped. It was better quality then the powder bluetops. It came premixed 30iu/vial. You had to use an injection pen to dose it.
    but thats not what he is describing in his first post

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