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Thread: Please help me with advise on muscle injurry and AS

  1. #1

    Please help me with advise on muscle injurry and AS

    Hi its been a while since I posted. About a year ago I managed to hurt myself while doing shrugs. This was an old injury that healed during my bodyduilding career. Since then I have a neck spasm that just won't leave me. I can't train effective anymore. Itss as stiff as hell and no acupuncture, chiropractor or anti inflam works. I suspect that on some of my cycles in the past the injury healed. But now its been a yer since I hurt it again and as I said it affects everything. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this spasm and how to heal the injury? What anabolic steroids would help? I suspect that winni was the one that helped in the past. Don't know. Any input would help. The muscle spasm is in my right side of my neck. From under the ear down into the trapezius.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    I'm not sure there is an AAS that is going to "help". I have a rebuilt right shoulder, thanks to a 19 yr old drunk girl driving daddy's car, and I have learned that there is just some exercises I cannot do anymore. I have found ways around them and still have a very good build but you might just need to realize that some exercises do more harm than good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    AAS aren't going to help an injury, gear can't magically make injuries disappear. You might be able to mask the injury for a bit, but it will still be there and probably be worse when you start feeling it again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i have a similar spasm...thank goodness it isnt constant...agree with all above...aas doubtful...

    wish u the best bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Depends on the injury. I myself have tendonitis on where my lats connect to my spine (mid back) and if it weren't for aas, i would be in ridiculous pain everyday. When off gear, its unbearable. Steroids are an anti-inflammatory but their effectiveness is only temporary and lasts only while in use. Also, anadrol and dbol work wonders in terms of anti-inflammatory's.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Depends on the injury. I myself have tendonitis on where my lats connect to my spine (mid back) and if it weren't for aas, i would be in ridiculous pain everyday. When off gear, its unbearable. Steroids are an anti-inflammatory but their effectiveness is only temporary and lasts only while in use. Also, anadrol and dbol work wonders in terms of anti-inflammatory's.
    Very interesting..first i've ever heard

  7. #7
    Well one thing that I am glad about is that there seems to be many of us with some sort of problem. At least I am not alone. Yungone your answer gives some hope at least, and is the reason for the thread. I know that at some time my problem disappeared totally while using AAS. So there must be a link. I think I should start with dbol and see what happens. Though I still have a feeling winni might have some strong anti inflam effect. Is anyone familiar with it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    Very interesting..first i've ever heard
    For me that is...IMO.

    As for the OP, im in no way advising to use gear solely for this purpose. I just happened to notice this effect while using gear.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
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    Damn this thread had some good timing, about a month ago I got a muscle/connective tissue tear? In the right upper back toward the spine. Along with the pain in the center of the back there is also have a pinched nerve at the C7 vertabre causing a numb and tingly right arm from my tricep to my fingertips. The pain in the middle of my back where the lat connects feels really strange when I move my arm into a position to strech the area it feels like I have a piece of cardboard duct taped to the center of my back and the tape is tearing...its really wierd because its not a bad pain just a really foreign feeling like there is something in there that is not part of me?

    I don't know if I did it at work when a rafter broke in a ceiling and I caught myself by one arm or if it was from rowing with a full stack to keep up with this young gearhead at the gym....Stupid but what can I say its the truth.

    Anyway I did not work out for a whole month, and the pain had mostly subsided while taking my regular TRT dose of Cyp. However when I decided to get back to the gym I upped my dose of test and started using Deca and after my second shot I hardly feel the pain at all anymore. Just my experience.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I will also add that doctors will rarely prescribe an anabolic steroid to treat muscular pain/issues/injuries. Atleast thats what i was told by two seperate dr's...hey, i tried. :-)

    When i asked why, both had similar responses: risks outweighed the benefits.

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