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Thread: gear filtering question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    gear filtering question

    I filtered gear with a whattman. 02 um I think.and resulted with a thinner consistency oil while in filter seemed thicker oil residue. Did I take away potency?

  2. #2
    Is that a .45micron? Thats what I would run it through.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It was a. 22 um filter. That filter took the oil like consistency and thinned it out while in the filter was gooey substance. Is there any way I took potency away

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    A .22 um filter is the standard filter for gear because a larger pore size will not filter out bacteria etc. It is normal to have some gooey residue left in the filter this is just the crap mixed with a little oil, if you have a lot of crap it only shows that you had dirty gear that really needed to be filtered or that you did not properly brew the gear to fully dissolve it before filtering.

    Most who brew heat the oil and gear/ BB and gear/ gear alone ... on a hotplate to just above the melting point of the hormone in question this ensures that after you add the rest of the ingredients and stir it for a while all the gear will be completely dissolved in the oil.

    Also its a good idea to keep the brew at around 120°f while filtering to help it move through the filter easily.

    Lastly post questions like this in the lab forum that is what its there for:-)

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