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Thread: 3 1/2 weeks into 3rd cycle, some concerns? Vets? Mods?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    3 1/2 weeks into 3rd cycle, some concerns? Vets? Mods?

    I'd like some experienced eyes on this if I could. Sorry it's long, but it's complicated and I don't want to leave anything out.

    I am now 3 1/2 weeks into my 3rd cycle, though it is really my 2nd real cycle. First was Anavar only 80mg/ED for 11 weeks. Second was more of a bridge (though with 2 months off before and after), at 30mg/ED. Did that for about 5 months, kind of an experiment. Both cycles far exceeded my expectations and needs. Yes, even the 2nd one! LOL Forced to try a different lab, I had concerns about the Anavar I was taking on the 2nd cycle not being Anavar, the gains were suspiciously strong for that amount and I did not lean out at all. I thought it might be D-bol, though after many many hours of going over and examining and re-examining my logs and journals and really, just trying to figure out why a brand new UGL trying to make a name for itself would fake or mislabel D-bol for Anavar on its maiden run (especially when this particular lab charged pretty much the same price mg for mg), I came to the much-labored conclusion that it's more likely to be Anavar than anything else. And seeing that I still had 4 bottles of it burning a hole in my desk at work and was planning a 3rd Anavar cycle, I figured 'What the hell'?

    If 30mg a day isn't enough to fully demonstrate the effects, and side-effects of a drug, then perhaps 60-75mg/ED will be. The other deciding factor being I can't just sell it unless I know exactly what it is, so lets find out! LOL

    So I'm 24 days in, been taking 70mg a day (30mg caps, 2 a day and an extra every 3 days), spread out throughout the day. This is what I've noticed:

    IF I am leaning out, it is VERY slowly. Caloric intake is a slight deficit. Diet is the same as always, good for ME. Better than most, but I am not a diet-nazi like many here, and will never be. Without an anabolic/anti-catabolic I would have lost 5lbs by now yet my weight is the same as before I started. I am a strength/power athlete, not a bodybuilder, but with this level of calories I should be able to re-composition with the drug. I was able to re-comp impressively on the 1st cycle, and that was on a bulking diet and higher body weight, so I fully expected to shred up on this shot.

    I AM getting more muscular steadily at the same weight. That by definition is pretty much a re-composition, it's just that the midsection/chest area fat does not seem at all affected. I've had that all my life, no matter how lean I get, and if I am being honest I am taking the Anavar to attack that while giving me strong strength gains, a little side-bonus if you will. It doesn't seem to be working.

    Strength gains are minimal so far. I noticed them far earlier on the first cycle. Strength seems to be up in the little things, the unimportant things, but the squat, bench and deads are really taking their time. On the 1st cycle by 24 days my bench was already up 20lbs and my squat 60lbs. Yes, 60lbs in 24 days on 80mg Anavar. So far my squat is up 20lbs.

    The sides seem pure Anavar: lethargy, appetite loss (minimal though), back pumps in the first few days were crazy. Back cramps come easier in and out of the gym. Very slight gastro issues on the first couple days, far less than last time. Sides were the same 1st cycle, though noticeably worse, still not bad though, *very* easy to live with!

    So, my conclusion is that it IS Anavar, though I'm still not sure its dosed right. I still can't believe the gains I got on that 2nd 'cycle' with only 30mg, same brand I'm using now. I am definitely underwhelmed however after 24 days on a real dose, it hit me *way* stronger last time I used this dose. I'm thinking of upping the dose to 90mg/ED, which will shorten my cycle around 10 days, so around 10 weeks total.

    Thoughts or observations anyone?

  2. #2
    UGL can randomly dose their stuff. When I take Anavar I normally run it 80mg for 6 weeks. I get a tight and dry look. You should see some of that if you're into it for 3 1/2 weeks. Anavar shouldn't be run for longer then 8 weeks anyway. It's liver toxic. It's hard to tell if you have 1) anavar or not, 2) it's anavar but under dosed, 3) pacebo, 4) dbol. Who really knows except the guys that made the stuff. Goes back to if you trust your source.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I should also mention that an odd side effect this time and last time around (same lab, different than first) is an increased libido. First cycle hit it fairly hard, and took a PCT, though a weak one, to rebound. Second cycle, at 30mg/ED and this time at 70mg/ED I'm feeling good. More libido than usual, everything is full-size. This seems to go against the usual with this drug. Maybe this will change, the nuts are feeling a bit strange the last couple of days?

    I could care less about this right now, I'm all about strength gains and hardening up, but it just seems odd.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    UGL can randomly dose their stuff. When I take Anavar I normally run it 80mg for 6 weeks. I get a tight and dry look. You should see some of that if you're into it for 3 1/2 weeks. Anavar shouldn't be run for longer then 8 weeks anyway. It's liver toxic. It's hard to tell if you have 1) anavar or not, 2) it's anavar but under dosed, 3) pacebo, 4) dbol. Who really knows except the guys that made the stuff. Goes back to if you trust your source.
    Thats just it, I *don't* trust any local source anymore. It's a mess where I live. I had it good where I used to live. Part of the draw here is just using up this 'mystery' Anavar and getting on with things. I'll never buy any shady gear again!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you didnt mention any pct. So maybe running anavar only multiple times has suppressed you hpta to a pretty low level and you aren't getting the results you want

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    Also after repeated anavar only cycles your Hpta will start to be surpressed due to more test aromatizing. Yes it's ails steroid but it still binds to the ar which leaves more test to convert to estrogen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you didnt mention any pct. So maybe running anavar only multiple times has suppressed you hpta to a pretty low level and you aren't getting the results you want
    I kind of botched the PCT on my first cycle, but I got through it okay. Second cycle the PCT worked like a charm and I was at full strength/levels and feeling great in just over a month. Not a big heavy cycle to come back from but it was rather long.

    Estrogen you say? I will say this, after almost a month I should be considerably harder and I think leaner than I am. I honestly look in the mirror and just can not tell. If I had to guess I'd say I'm retaining water. Muscles look bigger. This didn't happen the first cycle.

    I've bumped the dose up to 90mg/ED, that's 30 + 30 + 30 spaced out throughout the day. If I start to look bloated I will again question the labels, but hopefully I start to harden up and lean out. Worrying about this is stupid, the whole goal was primarily strength and recovery, but both should happen. If I just wanted to get big and strong I would have taken D-bol.

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