I am coming off a Prop cycle of 150mg EOD and I am starting trt tomarrow at 125mg pw of test cyp. Should I continue to run a low dose of prop until the cup kicks in? Completely stop the prop and just run my trt dose of cyp?
I am coming off a Prop cycle of 150mg EOD and I am starting trt tomarrow at 125mg pw of test cyp. Should I continue to run a low dose of prop until the cup kicks in? Completely stop the prop and just run my trt dose of cyp?
just start you trt.
Ok, wasn't sure if I would feel like shit while I was waiting for the cyp to kick in.
If you have the prop, I'd run it until the cyp starts to kick in... really can't hurt and you won't have a drop in your levels
Ive never had the problem when i did a prop cycle. What you can do next time if you run the prop, start your trt the last 2-3 weeks of the prop cycle.
How much prop do you think I should take?
Just slowly taper off over three weeks after starting the Test C
The first week. I'd drop down to 100mg eod then the next week drop down to 75mg then down to 50mg the following week. then you should be good to go. But how much prop do you still have left?
I only have 500mg left but I can get more if needed
I'm thinking of only doing maybe 25/50mg EOD for 2-3 weeks of prop until the cyp kicks in, anything wrong with that?
well chizzled, I think you'll be fine doing that, but you'd be better off tapering. That will allow you to not have a major drop below your therapeutic level in waiting for it to kick in.
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