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Thread: Looking for a few opinions on my situation

  1. #1

    Cool Looking for a few opinions on my situation

    Here it is.. I am 22 turning 23 6 foot 4 and 60kg very under weight I had very low self esteem, sleeping 10-11 hours a day wake up and it usally takes me 4 hours to feel good for the day. Now I been working out for about a year.. 4-5 days a week...I got tones of proteins and vitamins and supplements I gained weight on and off 3-5 kg one month but lost it in another month, nothing changed, same shit everyday went and seen my doctor, he said my metabolism is one of the fastest he had seen, did a shit ton of tests and found out I have a physical problem that is stopping me from gaining alot of weight. He gave me some weight gaining tablets to see if that would help but at a very minor change to my body in 3 months on them. So I asked him about HGH, he said that will help but can have symptoms and is illegal to get it for me unless I have a major disease to get so my alternative I was thinking was steroids to help me, alot of my friends are on it they are ranging from 23-28 and such but I always been 2nd guessing to take it or not. So...I started to take it and feel 80 times better in life 7 hours sleep get up feeling great push out a few push ups in the morning, jumping all over the place. I had a few symptoms when I first got on it but them are gone now. my question is --Is it ok if I keep using the stuff?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    That is the stupidist story I have ever heard.Your parents buy that line of sh1t.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    And just what are these magic weight gaining pills he prescribed?

  4. #4
    they were Methyltestosterone pills, but its ok if people don't want to believe me I mean its the internet, anyone can he lieing on internet. I will try my luck somewhere else then. Thanks for your time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    Your looking for cycle advice, do you realize that is a steroid? If you can't gain weight on that then your SOL.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    Post up your diet!
    Your not eating enough and not enough carbs and fats.

    Be open and honest with the guys , we are here to help !

  7. #7
    He prescribed you dbol and told you it was "weight gaining pills"? Agreed with above poster, this story makes no sense. And you don't have the fastest metabolism ever, you probably don't know how to eat. 2000 cal of clean food and a couple slices of pizza "because with my metabolism I can eat anything" is not enough. Eat 3500 cal and day and see if you don't grow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    its disturbing how many peeps come on here thinking they have a special situation that justifies the use of aas cus they think there diet is perfect and they tryed everthing to gain weight ect... just when you thought you heard it all some one posts a gem like this....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I wonder if their parents fall for this cheap crap.Hell it dont even come close to being believeable.I was once told all BS stories start out.Once apond a time and You aint going to believe this shit Here we go !

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Idk there are alot of dumbass dr's out there that prob would perscribe him dbol and call it wt gain pills. Look at some of the treads here expalining what there dr told them to do regaurding trt even! ITs redicules. Idk if I think hes lying but I think his diet needs to be checked first. a fast metabolism doesnt justify aas useage. Its not like you have naturally low testosterone.... that would be only justification i see

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Note that he said methyl-testosterone pills. Basically 17 alpha methylated testosterone. Not terribly potent but pretty damn liver toxic. Most stuff I've read on it states u get well being, perhaps aggression/motivation and some strength but not much.size wise and like I said, more than a little hepatotoxic.

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