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Thread: I need to gain 20lbs in less than 7 weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    I need to gain 20lbs in less than 7 weeks

    I am currently 98Kg and i would like to be in the 105Kg class for a powerlifting comp in less than 8 weeks. I have been trying to gain weight all summer and have been somewhat unsuccessful, but i am now recently beginning to gain a little weight. I don't care if its fat or muscle i just want to be as close to 105 or even a few kg more if possible. I am spending as much energy as i can eating all day and all night especially cheese and milk and i have had the best success gaining when drinking upto a gallon of milk a day. I currently consume a minimum of 150g protein 150g sugar and over 400g carbs a day with a minimum of 4000kcal a day. I eat and eat and eat as much as possible and attempt to burn as few calories as possible. In the gym i am doing 5x5 for each lift once a week, and 1-2 deload workouts each week. Does anyone have any tips on gaining 1kg/week for the next two months? Keep in mind I am in a drug-tested federation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Really? You don't care if it's fat or muscle?

    Just eat calorie dense foods - fats are the way to go. Nuts, nut butters, lots of oil. Pasta w/ oil.

    PS - I don't agree with my advice or your approach, but you asked for it so i'm giving you want you want.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    well obvisouly i would like to gain 20 pounds of all muscle, but that is impossible for me in 7 weeks, so i want to maximize my size in all ways to ensure i gain as much muscle as i can, i have 2 reasons for this: 1. i am in 105kg class so i may as well be atleast 105kg, and 2. the bigger i am the more i fill out my suits and the greater carry over i will get, i plan on dropping back down to 200lbs after this comp, (which i see being quite easy) then bulking back up again

    im am getting frusterated as i am only 21 and have been lifting less than 2 years and my bench has been stuck at 225lbs for 6 months and i am only gaining 5lbs on squat and deadlift (325lbs and 440lbs) every few months, and for someone who is 98kg 225 bench is very amateur, i just want to see some real lifts start happening so im willing to be a fat dude if thats the only way it will happen

    If you have alternate advice for me im willing to try it, but keep in mind that my physical appearance is not even close to important as me as how much i can lift
    Last edited by jypoll; 09-16-2011 at 02:37 PM.

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