I'm 25, 175lbs, using trenbolone parabolone 15ml 76mg per ampule. Not sure what a good dosage is, and if this is tren a or tren e. What do you guys think? Thanks.
I'm 25, 175lbs, using trenbolone parabolone 15ml 76mg per ampule. Not sure what a good dosage is, and if this is tren a or tren e. What do you guys think? Thanks.
height, bf, cycle experience as well as liftig exp. and 76mg per ml??? i never seen that before.
Tren A ^^^^ yeah what he said, stats are needed to make any recommendations and 76 shure is a wierd number.
It sounds like you don't know enough to be using tren, or anything for that matter. Research is the name of the game.
Tbh, if you don't even know what you have, I wouldn't use it.
Tren A is sometimes dosed at 76mg. How tall are you?
Parabolon is slow release version,in between Acetate and Enathate ester
Last edited by MR10X; 09-20-2011 at 01:20 PM.
350mg pw is a good starting point. that stuff gives 50mg tren per amp, so an amp a day or 2 amps eod
Im 5'10 about 10%bf, used deca,test,dbol, etc in the past. The tren I have is 76mg per 1.5cc, so does anybody have a decent dosage I should start with? Gonna use enanthate 250 with it aswell.
Seems a little high, and how much test should i go with? 500mg/week?
parabolan is tren hexa, look it up. Some say its between acetate and enanthate, others that its longer than enanthate. A beginning dose would be 300-400mg/wk. But parabolan at 76mg/ml never heard of it, but i did use 100mg/ml parabolan.
parabolan is oldschool! thats how it came back in the day (75mg/ml amps) the eser is a lil longer the Enanthate. i would just get a good ugl Tren E 200, then its easyier to dose and more convenient then ur parabolan
Thanks for the input but this is what I have so im going to use it, any input on the dosage for the tren, and enanthate 250 thought?
I just noticed you are an import racer....unless you run a rotary don't use tren your judgement is inadequate ;-0
Just kiddin on the import shit.. I had never heard of parabolan so I did look it up and the 2 hits I looked at both said it was Tren A...ahh the reliablity of the innernyet
Thanks again, assuming the results wont be coming out until a couple weeks then? Appreciate all the input guys thanks.
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