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Thread: First Cycle: Advice Needed on Adex

  1. #1

    First Cycle: Advice Needed on Adex


    I'll be doing a 10 week cycle of 500 mg test e with nolvadex for my PCT.

    I was going to run adex at the same time to prevent gyno. Do you think .25 mg every other day would be good to start off with? I heard that going too high could possibly prevent extra gains as well, so do you think I could get away with dosing even lower like .125 mg every other day?


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Aesthetics99 View Post

    I'll be doing a 10 week cycle of 500 mg test e with nolvadex for my PCT.

    I was going to run adex at the same time to prevent gyno. Do you think .25 mg every other day would be good to start off with? I heard that going too high could possibly prevent extra gains as well, so do you think I could get away with dosing even lower like .125 mg every other day?

    Ur a bit 2 yung bro, the suggested age here 4 steroid use is 25. That being said, ur gona b hard pressed 2 find any1 willing 2 advise u on how 2 use steroids, but u will get plenty of advice NOT 2. 4 example.......u should look up & read a thread titled "The young & steroids" by Marcus300.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    are u sensitive to estrogen? How do you know you need to take anything?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Aesthetics99 View Post

    I'll be doing a 10 week cycle of 500 mg test e with nolvadex for my PCT.

    I was going to run adex at the same time to prevent gyno. Do you think .25 mg every other day would be good to start off with? I heard that going too high could possibly prevent extra gains as well, so do you think I could get away with dosing even lower like .125 mg every other day?

    Yes I think thats a good spot to start. One guy I'm working with now only takes it twice per week.

  5. #5
    why not use aroma? I've seen a lot more positive response for aroma than adex. might want to look into it

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