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Thread: pregnancy and roids

  1. #1

    pregnancy and roids

    hi all new here been training on and off for 15 yrs... ok here is my question
    my wife turned positive for pregnancy (i was off roids)then straight away i started using and when having sex didnt pull the thing out which i thought is ok since she allready pregnant however now she is experiencing some pains and so wondering if it has something to do with my roids... thanks

  2. #2
    are u asking if your roid use is making ur sperm have super powers that r hurting her?

  3. #3
    haha no i just dont want baby to be born disfugured or soemthing

  4. #4
    This would be something worth consulting a knowledgeable doctor(s) about. I personally believe that the transfer of bodily fluids can pass hormones and toxins.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by coffin View Post
    hi all new here been training on and off for 15 yrs... ok here is my question
    my wife turned positive for pregnancy (i was off roids)then straight away i started using and when having sex didnt pull the thing out which i thought is ok since she allready pregnant however now she is experiencing some pains and so wondering if it has something to do with my roids... thanks

    no, u being on gear has nothing to do with those pains. have ur wife to go the doc if the pains continue

  6. #6
    yeah coz she allready concived?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No aas use has nothing to do with it. For chirst sakes, she is pregnant, does she think it's going to be a walk in the park and nothing is going to change, feel discomfort, hurt or the 1000s of other things that go along with being pregnant to every other woman wont happen to her?

    Tell her to get use to it and if/when vaginal sex hurts she can just give you head. problem solved.

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