She is about 5'4 and around 120 lbs. She is looking for a work out that can build a little bit of lean muscle and trim a small % of body fat. She asked me about this work out, but when I read the work out I felt it was designed for men.
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
**2x8 Dips (if you cant do these or no assist machine then do Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with your hands Facing each other)
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows (or power cleans)
**2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)
Is this the right work out program for a woman trying to trim down and tighten up? Also while I have you here, what kind of diet would you recommend?
Thank you for your time!