Hello everyone! Looking for some knowledgeable advice before I start getting involved with my docs.
Here's a little background info:
21 year old male
Diagnosed with Tourette's at 9 yrs old - Been taking atypical antipsychotics since then
Main side effect is low libido/increased prolactin
In the past year, and especially in the past 6 months I have experienced being in states of instability. Not depressed for months on end. Just mood swings and living with the uncertainty of not knowing how I'll feel the next day. I wouldn't consider it clinical depression. Right now my mood/anxiety changes phases throughout the day. It seems that when I eat a heavy meal (get slightly tired midday) I have less motive than I did before I ate.
I have come to believe that my treatment for tourettes is causing my current problems through the lowering of my testosterone. Right now I have quite low libido. My desire to do things is quite low at this time.
I am curious to as what can be done with my situation. Is anyone aware of how antipsychotics work on dopamine? I am wondering if the reason my tics are controlled by my medications is because of their lowering effect on my testosterone. If so, would hormone therapy delete the efficacy of my treatment for tics?
I recently got bloodwork done on my test and my results came back as 20. Units of measure I don't know. I shall get a copy of that bloodwork if I want to get serious about finding a solution.
What's the next step?